Updated |
Planned |
Publishing |
16.12.2024. | 19.12.2024. | 19.12.2024. |
Databases |
Agricultural Census 2020 ꟷ Revised Data and Extention of Data Coverage |
Unplanned! | |
10.12.2024 | 16.12.2024. | 31.12.2024. |
ZUDP-2024-1-3 |
Time Use Survey Results |
Postponed due to additional time required for data processing | |
10.12.2024. | 16.12.2024. | 31.12.2024. |
PSZ-2024-1-4 |
Results of the Safety Survey |
Postponed due to additional time required for data processing | |
3.12.2024. | 11.12.2024. | 11.12.2024. |
Statistics in line |
Employment – Active Population (Labour Force) - Data Revision, First Quarter of 2012 - Fourth Quarter of 2018 |
The revision of data due to harmonisation with demografic statistics and the results of the 2021 Census | |
3.12.2024. | 6.12.2024. | 6.12.2024. |
Databases |
Air Emission Accounts According to Economic Indicators |
Expansion of data coverage | |
26.11.2024. | Unplanned! | 29.11.2024. |
Statistics in Iine |
Population Density, Census 2011 |
Unplanned! | |
22.11.2024. | 31.10.2025. | 7.11.2025. |
ZTI-2025-2-1 |
Research and Development, 2024 – Provisional Data |
The title and publication date are harmonised with the new methodology. | |
21.11.2024. | 28.11.2024. | 28.11.2024 |
Statistics in line |
Towns and Municipalities in Statistics - Students Who Completed University or Professional Study |
Change of title in order to comply with the Act on Higher Education and Scientific Activity |
21.11.2024. | 28.11.2024 | 28.11.2024 |
Statistics in line |
Towns and Municipalities in Statistics - University Specialists |
Change of title in order to comply with the Act on Higher Education and Scientific Activity |
30.10.2024. | Unplanned! | 8.11.2024. |
Databases |
Business operations of enterprises - Provisional Data |
Unplanned! | |
28.10.2024. | 31.10.2024. | 15.11.2024. |
ZTI-2024-2-1 |
Research and Development, 2023 | Delayed due to technical difficulties. | |
10.10.2024. | 15.10.2024. | 15.10.2024. | Statistics in line | Short-Term Indicators of Energy Statistics and Revised Data on Natural Gas for June and July, 2024 | The revision of data on natural gas for June and July 2024 due to subsequent delivery of correct data by reporting units. | |
10.10.2024. | 15.10.2024. | 15.10.2024. | OEN-2024-2-1/8 | Short-Term Indicators of Energy Statistics, 2024, and Revised Data on Natural Gas for June and July, 2024 | The revision of data on natural gas for June and July 2024 due to subsequent delivery of correct data by reporting units. | |
9.10.2024. | Unplanned! | 14.10.2024. | Statistics in line | Population Mid-Year Estimate, Revised Data | Unplanned! | |
9.10.2024. | Unplanned! | 14.10.2024. | Databases | Population Estimates, Revised Data | Unplanned! | |
9.10.2024. | 5.12.2024. | 14.10.2024. | Databases | Population Estimates | Published earlier | |
9.10.2024. | 18.10.2024. | 28.3.2025. | Statistics in line | Labour Force Survey Results | Delayed due to activities on the revision of Labour Force Survey data. | |
9.10.2024. | 22.10.2024. | 18.10.2024. | NR-2024-2-2 | 2 Annual Gross Domestic Product, 1995 – 2023 | Published earlier due to the harmonisation with the date of publishing data in Eurostat. | |
9.10.2024. | 22.10.2024. | 18.10.2024. | Statistics in line | Annual Gross Domestic Product – Annual Calculation | Published earlier due to the harmonisation with the date of publishing data in Eurostat. | |
9.10.2024. | 22.10.2024. | 18.10.2024. | Statistics in line | Gross Domestic Product, Revised Data | Published earlier due to the harmonisation with the date of publishing data in Eurostat. | |
9.10.2024. | 29.11.2024. | 25.10.2024. | Calendar of Statistical Data Issues 2025 | Calendar of Statistical Data Issues 2025 | Published earlier | |
6.9.2024. | 11.9.2024. | 11.9.2024. | RAD-2024-3-1/2 | Labour Force in the Republic of Croatia, Second Quarter of 2024, and data revision, First Quarter of 2023 – First Quarter of 2024 |
The revision of data due to harmonisation with demografic statistics and the results of the 2021 Census. |
6.9.2024. | 11.9.2024. | 11.9.2024. | Statistics in line | Employment – Active Population (Labour Force) – Data Revision, First Quarter of 2019 – First Quarter of 2024 |
The revision of data due to harmonisation with demografic statistics and the results of the 2021 Census. |
3.9.2024. | Unplanned! | 6.9.2024. | Statistics in line | Mid-Year Estimate of Total Population – Review by Counties, Revised Data | Unplanned! | |
3.9.2024. | Unplanned! | 6.9.2024. | Statistics in line | Population Estimate, by Age Groups and Sex, by Counties, End of Year | Unplanned! | |
3.9.2024. | Unplanned! | 6.9.2024. | Geostat | Degree of Urbanisation and Functional Urban Area | Unplanned! | |
24.7.2024. | 31.7.2024. | 31.7.2024. | Databases | Short-Term Indicators of industry, 2023 - Industrial Production, Producer Prices and Turnover of Industry | The format of statistical data publishing has been changed. | |
28.6.2024. | Unplanned! | 10.7.2024. | Geostat | Population Density, 2021 Census | Unplanned! | |
26.6.2024. | 1.7.2024. | 19.7.2024. | Databases | Research and Development, 2022 | Postponed due to the necessity of introducing a statistical unit „enterprise“ pursuant to the Council Regulation (EEC) No 696/93. | |
24.6.2024. | 28.6.2024. | 26.7.2024. | ZTI-2024-2-5 | Innovation in enterprises, 2020 – 2022 | Postponed due to the necessity of introducing a statistical unit „enterprise“ pursuant to the Council Regulation (EEC) No 696/93. | |
7.6.2024. | Unplanned!! | 12.6.2024. | Statistics in line | Estimates and Precision Measures for the Most Important Indicators of Economics Activity of Population, by Age Groups | Unplanned! | |
7.6.2024. | Unplanned! | 12.6.2024. | Statistics in line | Estimates and Precision Measures for the Most Important Indicators of Economics Activity of Population, by Sex | Unplanned! | |
7.6.2024. | Unplanned! | 12.6.2024. | Statistics in line | Estimates and Precision Measures for the Most Important Indicators of Economics Activity of Population, at HR_NUTS 2021. – HR NUTS 2 | Unplanned! | |
10.5.2024. | Unplanned! | 15.1.2025. | Statistics in line | Short-Term Indicators of Energy Statistics – Gas Data | Unplanned! | |
10.5.2024. | Unplanned! | 16.12.2024. | Statistics in line | Short-Term Indicators of Energy Statistics – Gas Data | Unplanned! | |
10.5.2024. | Unplanned! | 15.11.2024. | Statistics in line | Short-Term Indicators of Energy Statistics – Gas Data | Unplanned! | |
10.5.2024. | Unplanned! | 15.10.2024. | Statistics in line | Short-Term Indicators of Energy Statistics – Gas Data | Unplanned! | |
10.5.2024. | Unplanned! | 16.9.2024. | Statistics in line | Short-Term Indicators of Energy Statistics – Gas Data | Unplanned! | |
10.5.2024. | Unplanned! | 16.8.2024. | Statistics in line | Short-Term Indicators of Energy Statistics – Gas Data | Unplanned! | |
10.5.2024. | Unplanned! | 15.7.2024. | Statistics in line | Short-Term Indicators of Energy Statistics – Gas Data | Unplanned! | |
10.5.2024. | Unplanned! | 17.6.2024. | Statistics in line | Short-Term Indicators of Energy Statistics – Gas Data | Unplanned! | |
10.5.2024. | Unplanned! | 15.5.2024. | Statistics in line | Short-Term Indicators of Energy Statistics – Gas Data | Unplanned! | |
2.5.2024. | Unplanned! | 7.5.2024. | Statistics in line | Employment – Review by Counties, Final Data | Unplanned! | |
22.4.2024. | Unplanned! | 25.4.2024. | Methodologies | Merging of statistical data of the Census of Population, Households and Dwellings in the Republic of Croatia in 2021 with the population grid of 1 000 m | Unplanned! | |
18.4.2024. | Unplanned! | 22.4.2024. | NR-2023-1-2 | Quarterly Gross Domestic Product, Revised Data by Quarters, 2023 | Unplanned! | |
18.4.2024. | Unplanned! | 22.4.2024. | Statistics in line | Gross Domestic Product, Revised Data | Unplanned! | |
18.4.2024. | Unplanned! | 22.4.2024. | Statistics in line | Annual Gross Domestic Product – Annual Calculation, Revised Data | Unplanned! | |
16.4.2024. | Unplanned! | 19.4.2024. | Statistics in line | Half-Year Prices of Electricity and Natural Gas, Revised Data | Unplanned! | |
9.4.2024. | Unplanned! | 12.4.2024. | Statistics in line | Population by Place Of Birth and Sex, by Towns/Municipalities, 2021 Census | Unplanned! | |
9.4.2024. | Unplanned! | 12.4.2024. | Statistics in line | Population by Migration Features and Sex, by Towns/Municipalities, 2021 Census | Unplanned! | |
9.4.2024. | Unplanned! | 12.4.2024. | Statistics in line | Employed by Status In Employment, Age and Sex, by Towns/Municipalities, 2021 Census |
Unplanned! | |
9.4.2024. | Unplanned! | 12.4.2024. | Statistics in line | Employed by Industry Sections, Age and Sex, by Towns/Municipalities, 2021 Census | Unplanned! | |
9.4.2024. | Unplanned! | 12.4.2024. | Statistics in line | Employed by Occupation, Age and Sex, by Towns/Municipalities, 2021 Census |
Unplanned! | |
9.4.2024. | Unplanned! | 12.4.2024. | Statistics in line | Population Aged 15 and Over, by Economic Activity, Age and Sex, by Towns/Municipalities, 2021 Census |
Unplanned! | |
22.3.2024. | Unplanned! | 28.3.2024. | Special editions | Statistical Postcards of Cities | Unplanned! | |
19.3.2024. | Unplanned! | 25.3.2024. | Special editions | Applying the Degree of Urbanization - a Methodological Manual | Unplanned! | |
19.3.2024. | 21.10.2024. | 22.10.2024. | Statistics in line | Annual Gross Domestic Product Annual Calculation | Delayed due to the harmonisation with the date of publishing data on the general government deficit and debt | |
19.3.2024. | 21.10.2024. | 22.10.2024. | NR-2024-2-2 | Annual Gross Domestic Product, 1995 - 2023 | Delayed due to the harmonisation with the date of publishing data on the general government deficit and debt | |
19.3.2024. | 21.10.2024. | 22.10.2024. | NR-2024-4-1/2 | Excessive Deficit Procedure Report, Republic of croatia, October 2024 | Delayed due to the harmonisation with the date of publishing data in Eurostat | |
19.3.2024. | 21.10.2024. | 22.10.2024. | Statistics in line | Gross Domestic Product, Revised Data | Delayed due to the harmonisation with the date of publishing data on the general government deficit and debt | |
19.3.2024. | 8.4.2024. | 4.4.2024. | Statistics in line | House Price Indices | Published earlier due to the harmonisation with the date of publishing data in Eurostat. | |
19.3.2024. | 8.4.2024. | 4.4.2024. | CIJ-2023-2-1/4 | House Price Indices, Fourth Quarter of 2023 | Published earlier due to the harmonisation with the date of publishing data in Eurostat. | |
28.2.2024. | Unplanned! | 5.3.2024. | Statistics in line | Towns and Municipalities in Statistics - Population - Estimate and Natural Change, Revised Data | Unplanned! | |
20.2.2024. | 8.3.2024. | 29.2.2024. | Statistics in line | Tourist Arrivals and Overnights in Commercial Accommodation Establishments - Annual Data | Published earlier. | |
20.2.2024. | 29.3.2024. | 29.2.2024. | Databases | Tourism Intensity in towns and municipalities | Published earlier. | |
13.2.2024. | 23.2.2024. | 16.2.2024. | Statistics in line | Population Mid-Year Estimate - Provisional Data | Published earlier. | |
31.1.2024. | Unplanned! | 5.2.2024. | Statistics in line | Population Estimate, End of Year - Revised Data | Unplanned! | |
31.1.2024. | Unplanned! | 5.2.2024. | Statistics in line | Revised Population Estimate, by Age Groups and Sex, by Counties, End of Year | Unplanned! | |
23.1.2024. | Unplanned! | 8.2.2024. | Statistics in line | Persons Employed at Radio Stations | Unplanned! | |
23.1.2024. | Unplanned! | 8.2.2024. | Statistics in line | Persons Employed at Theatres | Unplanned! | |
23.1.2024. | Unplanned! | 8.2.2024. | Statistics in line | Persons Employed at Libraries | Unplanned! | |
23.1.2024. | Unplanned! | 8.2.2024. | Statistics in line | Persons Employed at Museums and Museum Collections | Unplanned! | |
23.1.2024. | Unplanned! | 8.2.2024. | Statistics in line | Libraries | Unplanned! | |
23.1.2024. | Unplanned! | 8.2.2024. | Statistics in line | Library Materials in Libraries | Unplanned! | |
23.1.2024. | Unplanned! | 8.2.2024. | Statistics in line | Active Users of Libraries | Unplanned! | |
10.1.2024. | 29.1.2024. | 29.1.2024. | OBR-2023-4-7 | Students Enrolled on University Doctoral Studies, 2022/2023 Academic Year | Change of title in order to comply with the Act on Higher Education and Scientific Activity | |
10.1.2024. | 15.1.2024. | 15.1.2024. | OBR-2023-4-6 | Students Enrolled on University Specialist Studies, 2022/2023 Academic Year | Change of title in order to comply with the Act on Higher Education and Scientific Activity | |
19.12.2023. | Unplanned! | 16.2.2024. | NR-2024-5-1 | Pension Entitlements in the Republic of Croatia, 2021 | Unplanned! | |
7.12.2023. | Unplanned! | 12.12.2023. | Statistics in line | Private Households by Number of Members and Basis for Housing Unit Usage, by Towns/Municipalities, 2021 Census | Unplanned! | |
7.12.2023. | Unplanned! | 12.12.2023. | Statistics in line | Households by Basis for Dwelling Usage and Ownership of Dwelling, by Counties, 2021 Census | Unplanned! | |
7.12.2023. | Unplanned! | 12.12.2023. | Statistics in line | Dwellings by Occupancy Status, by Towns/Municipalities, 2021 Census | Unplanned! | |
7.12.2023. | Unplanned! | 12.12.2023. | Statistics in line | Housing Units by Number of Households and Household Members, by Towns/Municipalities, 2021 Census | Unplanned! | |
7.12.2023. | Unplanned! | 12.12.2023. | Statistics in line | Occupied Dwellings by Number of Rooms and Ownership, by Towns/Municipalities, 2021 Census | Unplanned! | |
7.12.2023. | Unplanned! | 12.12.2023. | Statistics in line | Occupied Dwellings by Auxiliary Rooms and Installations, by Towns/Municipalities, 2021 Census | Unplanned! | |
7.12.2023. | Unplanned! | 12.12.2023. | Statistics in line | Dwellings for Vacation by Number of Rooms, by Counties, 2021 Census | Unplanned! | |
7.12.2023. | Unplanned! | 12.12.2023. | Statistics in line | Occupied Dwellings by Period of Construction, Type of Building and Number of Households in Dwelling, 2021 Census | Unplanned! | |
1.12.2023. | Unplanned! | 6.12.2023. | Geostat | Population by Age and Sex, 2021 Census | Unplanned! | |
7.11.2023. | Unplanned! | 10.11.2023. | Databases | Business operations of enterprises - Provisional Data | Unplanned! | |
20.10.2023. | 30.11.2023. | 25.10.2023. | Statistical Publications | Calendar of Statistical Data Issues 2024 | Published earlier. | |
13.10.2023. | 20.10.2023. | 19.10.2023. | NR-2023-2-2 | Annual Gross Domestic Product, 1995 – 2022, Revised Data | Published earlier due to the harmonisation with the date of publishing data in Eurostat | |
13.10.2023. | 20.10.2023. | 19.10.2023. | Statistics in line | Annual Gross Domestic Product – Annual Calculation, Revised Data | Published earlier due to the harmonisation with the date of publishing data in Eurostat | |
13.10.2023. | 20.10.2023. | 19.10.2023. | Statistics in line | Gross Domestic Product, Revised Data | Published earlier due to the harmonisation with the date of publishing data in Eurostat | |
13.10.2023. | 31.10.2023. | 31.10.2023. | Statistics in line | Labour Force Survey Results (Statistical Report 1708) | The format of statistical data publishing has been changed. | |
26.9.2023. | Unplanned! | 29.9.2023. | Geostat | Population by Age and Sex, 2021 Census | Unplanned! | |
26.9.2023. | Unplanned! | 29.9.2023. | Geostat | Households, 2021 Census | Unplanned! | |
19.9.2023. | 3.10.2023. | 22.9.2023. | Statistics in line | Towns and Municipalities in Statistics - Population - Estimate and Natural Change | Published earlier. | |
19.9.2023. | 3.10.2023. | 22.9.2023. | Statistics in line | Towns and Municipalities in Statistics - Migration of Population | Published earlier. | |
19.9.2023. | 3.10.2023. | 22.9.2023. | Statistics in line | Population - Review by Towns and Municipalities | Published earlier. | |
12.9.2023. | Unplanned! | 15.9.2023. | Statistics in line | Short-Term Indicators of Energy Statistics – Gas Data | Unplanned! | |
12.9.2023. | Unplanned! | 15.11.2023. | Statistics in line | Short-Term Indicators of Energy Statistics – Gas Data | Unplanned! | |
12.9.2023. | Unplanned! | 15.1.2024. | Statistics in line | Short-Term Indicators of Energy Statistics – Gas Data | Unplanned! | |
14.8.2023. | 12.9.2023. | 18.8.2023. | Statistics in line | Foreign Trade In Goods of The Republic of Croatia - Trade by Enterprise Characteristics (TEC) | Published earlier. | |
25.7.2023. | Unplanned! | 28.7.2023. | Geostat | Tourism Intensity |
Unplanned! | |
11.7.2023. | 14.7.2023. | Cancelled | Databases | Structural Business Indicators of Enterprises | Merging of two titles due to the implementation of the new Regulation (EU) 2019/2152. |
11.7.2023. | 14.7.2023. | Cancelled | Databases | Structural Business Statistics of Finance Institutions | Merging of two titles due to the implementation of the new Regulation (EU) 2019/2152. |
11.7.2023. | Unplanned! | 14.7.2023. | Databases | Business operations of enterprises | Unplanned! | |
11.7.2023. | Unplanned! | 14.7.2023. | Statistics in line | Women Aged 15 and Over by Age and Number of Live-Born Children, by Towns/Municipalities, 2021 Census |
Unplanned! | |
11.7.2023. | Unplanned! | 14.7.2023. | Statistics in line | Population Aged 15 and Over, by Legal Marital Status, Age and Sex, by Towns/Municipalities Counties, 2021 Census |
Unplanned! | |
11.7.2023. | Unplanned! | 14.7.2023. | Statistics in line | Population Aged 15 and Over, by Legal Marital Status, Age and Sex, by Counties, 2021 Census |
Unplanned! | |
11.7.2023. | Unplanned! | 14.7.2023. | Statistics in line | Population Aged 15 and Over, by Type of Union Person Lives In, Age and Sex, by Counties, 2021 Census |
Unplanned! | |
11.7.2023. | Unplanned! | 14.7.2023. | Statistics in line | Population Aged 15 and Over, by Legal Marital Status, Type of Union Person Lives In, and Sex, by Counties, 2021 Census |
Unplanned! | |
11.7.2023. | Unplanned! | 14.7.2023. | Statistics in line | Population Living In One-Person Households by Age, Sex and Legal Marital Status, by Counties, 2021 Census |
Unplanned! | |
11.7.2023. | Unplanned! | 14.7.2023. | Statistics in line | Population by Age, Sex, Type of Household and Family Status, by Counties, 2021 Census |
Unplanned! | |
11.7.2023. | Unplanned! | 14.7.2023. | Statistics in line | Private Households by Type and Number of Members, by Towns/Municipalities, 2021 Census |
Unplanned! | |
11.7.2023. | Unplanned! | 14.7.2023. | Statistics in line | Families by Type and Number of Members, by Towns/Municipalities, 2021 Census |
Unplanned! | |
11.7.2023. | Unplanned! | 14.7.2023. | Statistics in line | Families with Children by Type of Family and Number of Children by Their Age, by Counties, 2021 Census |
Unplanned! | |
11.7.2023. | Unplanned! | 14.7.2023. | Statistics in line | Families by Type and Number of Members, by Counties, 2021 Census |
Unplanned! | |
11.7.2023. | Unplanned! | 14.7.2023. | Statistics in line | Private Households by Number of Members, 1953 – 2021 Censuses. | Unplanned! | |
27.6.2023. | 30.6.2023. | 12.9.2023. | Statistics in line | Foreign Trade In Goods of The Republic of Croatia – Trade by Enterprise Characteristics (TEC) | Untimely delivery of updated and upgraded data processing software package | |
27.6.2023. | Unplanned! | 30.6.2023. | Statistics in line | Population Aged 15 and Over by Educational Attainment, Age and Sex, by Towns/Municipalities, 2021 Census
Unplanned! | |
27.6.2023. | Unplanned! | 30.6.2023. | Statistics in line | Population by School Attendence and by Sex, by Towns/Municipalities, 2021 Census
Unplanned! | |
27.6.2023. | Unplanned! | 30.6.2023. | Statistics in line | Population Aged 15 and Over by Educational Attainment and Sex, 1961 – 2021 Censuses
Unplanned! | |
25.5.2023. | Unplanned! | 31.5.2023. | Statistics in line | Institutional Households by Number of Members, by Counties, 2021 Census | Unplanned! | |
25.5.2023. | Unplanned! | 31.5.2023. | Statistics in line | Private Households by Number of Members, by Towns/ Municipalities, 2021 Census | Unplanned! | |
15.5.2023. | Unplanned! | 15.6.2023. | Statistics in line | Short-Term Indicators of Energy Statistics – Gas Data
Unplanned! | |
15.5.2023. | Unplanned! | 14.8.2023. | Statistics in line | Short-Term Indicators of Energy Statistics – Gas Data
Unplanned! | |
15.5.2023. | Unplanned! | 16.10.2023. | Statistics in line | Short-Term Indicators of Energy Statistics – Gas Data
Unplanned! | |
15.5.2023. | Unplanned! | 15.12.2023. | Statistics in line | Short-Term Indicators of Energy Statistics – Gas Data
Unplanned! | |
15.5.2023. | Unplanned! | 19.5.2023. | NR-2022-1-2 | Quarterly Gross Domestic Product, Revised Data by Quarters, 2022
Unplanned! | |
15.5.2023. | Unplanned! | 19.5.2023. | Statistics in line | Gross Domestic Product, Revised Data
Unplanned! | |
28.3.2023. | Unplanned! | 31.3.2023. | Statistics in line | Most Frequent Male and Female Names, by Year of Birth and by Counties, 2021 Census
Unplanned! | |
28.3.2023. | Unplanned! | 31.3.2023. | Statistics in line | Most Frequent Surnames, by Towns/ Municipalities, 2021 Census
Unplanned! | |
24.3.2023. | Unplanned! | 27.2.2024. | Statistics in line | Construction Costs and Constructor's Profit Margins
Unplanned! | |
24.3.2023. | Unplanned! | 27.11.2023. | Statistics in line | Construction Costs and Constructor's Profit Margins
Unplanned! | |
24.3.2023. | Unplanned! | 25.8.2023. | Statistics in line | Construction Costs and Constructor's Profit Margins
Unplanned! | |
24.3.2023. | Unplanned! | 26.5.2023. | Statistics in line | Construction Costs and Constructor's Profit Margins
Unplanned! | |
2.3.2023. | Unplanned! | 7.3.2023. | Statistics in line | Construction Costs and Constructor's Profit Margins
Unplanned! | |
28.2.2023. | 27.4.2023. | 3.3.2023. | OBR-2023-5-1 | Vocational Training in Enterprises, 2020 | Published earlier due to the harmonisation with the date of publishing data in Eurostat. |
21.2.2023. | 24.2.2023. | 1.3.2023. | IND-2023-1-1/1 | Industrial Producer Price Index, 2023 | Introduction of the industrial producer price index for non-domestic market according to the euro area criterion |
21.2.2023. | 24.2.2023. | 1.3.2023. | Statistics in line | Industrial Producer Price Index | Introduction of the industrial producer price index for non-domestic market according to the euro area criterion |
21.2.2023. | 24.2.2023. | 1.3.2023. | STS databases | Industrial Producer Price Index | Introduction of the industrial producer price index for non-domestic market according to the euro area criterion |
13.2.2023. | Unplanned! | 15.2.2023. | Statistics in Line | Short-Term Indicators of Energy Statistics – Gas Data | Harmonisation of data publishing for December 2022 due to Eurostat’s request | |
9.2.2023. | Unplanned! | 17.1.2024. | Statistics in Line | Average Retail Prices of Goods and Services in Kuna and Euro in the Republic of Croatia | Unplanned! | |
9.2.2023. | Unplanned! | 18.12.2023. | Statistics in Line | Average Retail Prices of Goods and Services in Kuna and Euro in the Republic of Croatia | Unplanned! | |
9.2.2023. | Unplanned! | 17.11.2023. | Statistics in Line | Average Retail Prices of Goods and Services in Kuna and Euro in the Republic of Croatia | Unplanned! | |
9.2.2023. | Unplanned! | 17.10.2023. | Statistics in Line | Average Retail Prices of Goods and Services in Kuna and Euro in the Republic of Croatia | Unplanned! | |
9.2.2023. | Unplanned! | 18.9.2023. | Statistics in Line | Average Retail Prices of Goods and Services in Kuna and Euro in the Republic of Croatia | Unplanned! | |
9.2.2023. | Unplanned! | 18.8.2023. | Statistics in Line | Average Retail Prices of Goods and Services in Kuna and Euro in the Republic of Croatia | Unplanned! | |
9.2.2023. | Unplanned! | 18.7.2023. | Statistics in Line | Average Retail Prices of Goods and Services in Kuna and Euro in the Republic of Croatia | Unplanned! | |
9.2.2023. | Unplanned! | 19.6.2023. | Statistics in Line | Average Retail Prices of Goods and Services in Kuna and Euro in the Republic of Croatia | Unplanned! | |
9.2.2023. | Unplanned! | 17.5.2023. | Statistics in Line | Average Retail Prices of Goods and Services in Kuna and Euro in the Republic of Croatia | Unplanned! | |
9.2.2023. | Unplanned! | 18.4.2023. | Statistics in Line | Average Retail Prices of Goods and Services in Kuna and Euro in the Republic of Croatia | Unplanned! | |
9.2.2023. | Unplanned! | 20.3.2023. | Statistics in Line | Average Retail Prices of Goods and Services in Kuna and Euro in the Republic of Croatia | Unplanned! | |
9.2.2023. | Unplanned! | 24.2.2023. | Statistics in Line | Average Retail Prices of Goods and Services in Kuna and Euro in the Republic of Croatia | Unplanned! | |
26.1.2023. | Unplanned! | 31.1.2023. | Statistics in Line | Population by Mother Tongue, 1991 ‒ 2021 Censuses | Unplanned! | |
26.1.2023. | Unplanned! | 31.1.2023. | Statistics in Line | Population by Religion, 2001 ‒ 2021 Censuses | Unplanned! | |
26.1.2023. | Unplanned! | 31.1.2023. | Statistics in Line | Population by Ethnicity, 1971 ‒ 2021 Censuses | Unplanned! | |
26.1.2023. | Unplanned! | 31.1.2023. | Statistics in Line | Ageing Index and Age Coefficient, 1953 – 2021 Censuses | Unplanned! | |
26.1.2023. | Unplanned! | 31.1.2023. | Statistics in Line | Average Age of Population, 1953 – 2021 Censuses | Unplanned! | |
26.1.2023. | Unplanned! | 31.1.2023. | Statistics in Line | Settlements, by Population, 2021 Census | Unplanned! | |
26.1.2023. | Unplanned! | 31.1.2023. | Statistics in Line | Municipalities, by Population, 2021 Census | Unplanned! | |
26.1.2023. | Unplanned! | 31.1.2023. | Statistics in Line | Towns, by Population, 2021 Census | Unplanned! | |
26.1.2023. | Unplanned! | 31.1.2023. | Statistics in Line | Counties, Surface Area, Population, Towns, Municipalities and Settlements, 2021 Census | Unplanned! | |
26.1.2023. | Unplanned! | 31.1.2023. | Statistics in Line | Population in Major Towns, Municipalities and Settlements, 2021 Census | Unplanned! | |
26.1.2023. | Unplanned! | 31.1.2023. | Statistics in Line | Population by Ethnicity, Age and Sex, 2021 Census | Unplanned! | |
26.1.2023. | Unplanned! | 31.1.2023. | Statistics in Line | Population by Ethnicity and Religion, 2021 Census | Unplanned! | |
26.1.2023. | Unplanned! | 31.1.2023. | Statistics in Line | Population by Mother Tongue - Detailed Classification, 2021 Census | Unplanned! | |
26.1.2023. | Unplanned! | 31.1.2023. | Statistics in Line | Population by Country of Citizenship - Detailed Classification, 2021 Census | Unplanned! | |
26.1.2023. | Unplanned! | 31.1.2023. | Statistics in Line | Population by Ethnicity – Detailed Classification, 2021 Census | Unplanned! | |
26.1.2023. | Unplanned! | 31.1.2023. | Statistics in Line | Population by Single Age and Sex, by Counties, 2021 Census | Unplanned! | |
26.1.2023. | Unplanned! | 31.1.2023. | Statistics in Line | Population Contingents, by Towns/ Municipalities, 2021 Census | Unplanned! | |
25.1.2023. | Unplanned! | 5.1.2024. | CIJ-2023-1-2/12 | Consumer Price Indices, 2023 – Flash Estimate | Unplanned! | |
25.1.2023. | Unplanned! | 30.11.2023. | CIJ-2023-1-2/11 | Consumer Price Indices, 2023 – Flash Estimate | Unplanned! | |
25.1.2023. | Unplanned! | 31.10.2023. | CIJ-2023-1-2/10 | Consumer Price Indices, 2023 – Flash Estimate | Unplanned! | |
25.1.2023. | Unplanned! | 29.9.2023. | CIJ-2023-1-2/9 | Consumer Price Indices, 2023 – Flash Estimate | Unplanned! | |
25.1.2023. | Unplanned! | 31.8.2023. | CIJ-2023-1-2/8 | Consumer Price Indices, 2023 – Flash Estimate | Unplanned! | |
25.1.2023. | Unplanned! | 31.7.2023. | CIJ-2023-1-2/7 | Consumer Price Indices, 2023 – Flash Estimate | Unplanned! | |
25.1.2023. | Unplanned! | 30.6.2023. | CIJ-2023-1-2/6 | Consumer Price Indices, 2023 – Flash Estimate | Unplanned! | |
25.1.2023. | Unplanned! | 1.6.2023. | CIJ-2023-1-2/5 | Consumer Price Indices, 2023 – Flash Estimate | Unplanned! | |
25.1.2023. | Unplanned! | 2.5.2023. | CIJ-2023-1-2/4 | Consumer Price Indices, 2023 – Flash Estimate | Unplanned! | |
25.1.2023. | Unplanned! | 31.3.2023. | CIJ-2023-1-2/3 | Consumer Price Indices, 2023 – Flash Estimate | Unplanned! | |
25.1.2023. | Unplanned! | 2.3.2023. | CIJ-2023-1-2/2 | Consumer Price Indices, 2023 – Flash Estimate | Unplanned! | |
25.1.2023. | Unplanned! | 1.2.2023. | CIJ-2023-1-2/1 | Consumer Price Indices, 2023 – Flash Estimate | Unplanned! | |
4.1.2023. | 24.2.2023. | 28.2.2023. | NR-2022-1-1/4 | First Quarterly Gross Domestic Product Estimate, Fourth Quarter of 2022 |
Harmonisation of the publishing date with deadlines for the submission of input data | |
4.1.2023. | 24.2.2023. | 28.2.2023. | Statistics in Line | Gross Domestic Product | Harmonisation of the publishing date with deadlines for the submission of input data | |
4.1.2023. | 12.4.2023. | 4.4.2023. | CIJ-2022-2-1/4 | House Price Indices, Fourth Quarter of 2022 | Published earlier due to the harmonisation with the date of publishing data in Eurostat. | |
4.1.2023. | 12.4.2023. | 4.4.2023. | Statistics in Line | House Price Indices | Published earlier due to the harmonisation with the date of publishing data in Eurostat. | |
4.1.2023. | 17.1.2023. | 10.1.2023. | CIJ-2022-2-1/3 | House Price Indices, Third Quarter of 2022 | Published earlier due to the harmonisation with the date of publishing data in Eurostat. | |
4.1.2023. | 17.1.2023. | 10.1.2023. | Statistics in Line | House Price Indices | Published earlier due to the harmonisation with the date of publishing data in Eurostat. | |
27.12.2022. | 13.3.2024. | 8.3.2024. | STS databases | Index of Gross Wages and Salaries in Construction | Published earlier. | |
27.12.2022. | 31.5.2023. | 31.5.2024. | S.I. 1715 | Inputs of Raw Materials in Industrial Production in 2022, Detailed Annual Results | The Statistical Report release date has been erroneously announced. | |
27.12.2022. | 15.12.2023. | 14.12.2023. | NR-2023-2-3 | Gross Domestic Product and Actual Individual Consumption in Purchasing Power Standard, 2022 | Published earlier due to the harmonisation with the date of publishing data in Eurostat. | |
27.12.2022. | 20.10.2023. | 23.10.2023. | NR-2023-4-1/2 | Excessive Deficit Procedure Report | Delayed due to the harmonisation with the date of publishing data in Eurostat. | |
27.12.2022. | 20.10.2023. | 23.10.2023. | Statistics in Line | Gross Domestic Product - Revised Data | Delayed due to the harmonisation of the publishing date of the government deficit and debt data. | |
27.12.2022. | 20.10.2023. | 23.10.2023. | Statistics in Line | Gross Domestic product - Annual Calculation | Delayed due to the harmonisation of the publishing date of the government deficit and debt data. | |
27.12.2022. | 20.10.2023. | 23.10.2023. | NR-2023-2-2 | Gross Domestic Product, 1995 - 2022 | Delayed due to the harmonisation of the publishing date of the government deficit and debt data. | |
29.11.2022. | 23.12.2022. | 13.12.2022. | Statistics in Line | Employment – Active Population (Labour Force) | Published earlier due to the harmonisation with the date of publishing data in Eurostat. | |
29.11.2022. | 23.12.2022. | 13.12.2022. | RAD-2022-3-1/3 | Labour Force in the Republic of Croatia, Third Quarter of 2022 | Published earlier due to the harmonisation with the date of publishing data in Eurostat. | |
29.11.2022. | 24.3.2023. | 14.3.2023. | Statistics in Line | Employment – Active Population (Labour Force) | Published earlier due to the harmonisation with the date of publishing data in Eurostat. | |
29.11.2022. | 24.3.2023. | 14.3.2023. | RAD-2022-3-1/4 | Labour Force in the Republic of Croatia, Fourth Quarter of 2022 | Published earlier due to the harmonisation with the date of publishing data in Eurostat. | |
14.11.2022. | 17.11.2022. | 28.4.2023. | 1708 | Labour Force Survey Results, Croatia, 2021 – Europe 2021 | Delayed due to the application of Regulation (EU) No. 2019/1700 and the new concept of data publishing | |
31.10.2022. | Unplanned! | 4.11.2022. | Databases | Foreign Trade in Goods, Revised Data | Unplanned! | |
25.10.2022. | Unplanned! | 27.10.2022. | Statistics in Line | Short-Term Indicators of Energy Statistics – Gas Data | Unplanned! | |
25.10.2022. | Unplanned! | 28.10.2022. | NR-2022-7-1 | Annual Non-financial Sector Accounts of Total Economy and Rest of the World Sector, 2020 – 2021 | Unplanned! | |
25.10.2022. | Unplanned! | 28.10.2022. | Databases | Non-financial Sector Accounts | Unplanned! | |
21.10.2022. | Unplanned! | 26.10.2022. | Statistics in Line | Gross Domestic Product, Revised Data | Unplanned! | |
19.10.2022. | Unplanned! | 24.10.2022. | Statistics in Line | Foreign Trade in Goods, Revised Data | Unplanned! | |
19.10.2022. | Unplanned! | 24.10.2022. | Statistics in Line | Foreign Trade in Goods – Review by Counties, Revised Data | Unplanned! | |
19.10.2022. | Unplanned! | 24.10.2022. | VT-2022-1-3 | Foreign Trade in Goods of the Republic of Croatia, 2021, Revised Data | Unplanned! | |
12.10.2022. | Unplanned! | 17.10.2022. | Statistics in Line | Average Retail Prices of Goods and Services in Kuna and Euro in the Republic of Croatia | Unplanned! | |
4.10.2022. | 11.10.2022. | 7.10.2022. | CIJ-2022-2-1/2 | House Price Indices, Second Quarter of 2022 | Published earlier due to the harmonisation with the date of publishing data in Eurostat. | |
4.10.2022. | 11.10.2022. | 7.10.2022. | Statistics in Line | House Price Indices | Published earlier due to the harmonisation with the date of publishing data in Eurostat. | |
4.10.2022. | Unplanned! | 7.10.2022. | Statistics in Line | Persons Who Declared to Be Christians or Believers, According to Religious Community, by Towns/Municipalities, 2021 Census | Unplanned! | |
29.9.2022. | Unplanned! | 3.10.2022. | Statistics in Line | Population Estimate, Mid and End of the Year | Unplanned! | |
20.9.2022. | 23.9.2022. | 28.10.2022. | Databases | Subnational Statistics | Delayed due to the extension of the data validation deadline | |
14.9.2022. | Unplanned! | 22.9.2022. | Statistics in Line | Population by Age and Sex, by Settlements, 2021 Census | Unplanned! | |
14.9.2022. | Unplanned! | 22.9.2022. | Statistics in Line | Population by Age and Sex, by Districts of City of Zagreb, 2021 Census | Unplanned! | |
14.9.2022. | Unplanned! | 22.9.2022. | Statistics in Line | Population by Ethnicity, by Towns/Municipalities, 2021 Census | Unplanned! | |
14.9.2022. | Unplanned! | 22.9.2022. | Statistics in Line | Population by Religion, by Towns/Municipalities, 2021 Census | Unplanned! | |
14.9.2022. | Unplanned! | 22.9.2022. | Statistics in Line | Population by Citizenship, by Towns/Municipalities, 2021 Census | Unplanned! | |
14.9.2022. | Unplanned! | 22.9.2022. | Statistics in Line | Population by Mother Tongue, by Towns/Municipalities, 2021 Census | Unplanned! | |
30.8.2022. | 2.9.2022. | 30.9.2022. | Statistics in Line | Mid-Year Estimate of Total Population – Review by Counties | Delayed due to the publication of the Census 2021 results. | |
30.8.2022. | 2.9.2022. | 30.9.2022. | STAN-2022-3-1 | Population Estimate of Republic of Croatia, 2021 | Delayed due to the publication of the Census 2021 results. | |
26.7.2022. | 29.7.2022. | 3.8.2022. | Women and Men in Croatia | Women and Men, 2022 | Postponed due to the fact that data on upper secondary schools became available with delay. | |
11.7.2022. | 8.9.2022. | 14.7.2022. | KUL-2022-1-2 | Libraries, 2021 | Published earlier. | |
24.6.2022. | Unplanned! | 30.6.2022. | 1711 | 1711 | Unplanned! | |
24.6.2022. | Unplanned! | 15.7.2022. | Databases | Agricultural Census 2020, by Counties | Unplanned! | |
24.6.2022. | 28.6.2022. | 15.7.2022. | Statistics in Line | Indicators of Poverty and Social Exclusion, 2021 | Delayed due to the implementation of the new Regulation (EU) 2019/1700. | |
24.6.2022. | 28.6.2022. | 15.7.2022. | ZUDP-2022-1-1 | ZUDP-2022-1-1 Indicators of Poverty and Social Exclusion, 2021 | Delayed due to the implementation of the new Regulation (EU) 2019/1700. | |
7.6.2022. | 10.6.2022. | 12.7.2022. | OBR-2022-3-1 | Boarding Homes for Pupils and Students, 2021/2022 School/Academic Year | Delayed due to technical issues and incomplete coverage of data submitted by reporting units. | |
16.5.2022. | 19.5.2022. | 20.6.2022. | Geostat | Basic Schools, Beginning of School Year | Technical issues in data processing | |
3.5.2022. | 6.5.2022. | 11.5.2022. | Statistics in Line | Tourist Arrivals and Nights | Technical issues in data processing | |
3.5.2022. | 6.5.2022. | 11.5.2022. | TUR-2022-1-1/3 | Tourist Arrivals and Nights in Commercial Accommodation, 2022 | Technical issues in data processing | |
3.5.2022. | 6.5.2022. | 11.5.2022. | Statistics in Line | Tourist Arrivals and Nights in Commercial Accommodation | Technical issues in data processing | |
3.5.2022. | 6.5.2022. | 6.6.2022. | Statistics in Line | Basic Schools, Beginning of School Year | Technical issues in data processing | |
3.5.2022. | 6.5.2022. | 6.6.2022. | OBR-2022-2-1 | Basic Schools, End of 2020/2021 School Year and Beginning of 2021/2022 School Year | Technical issues in data processing | |
22.4.2022. | 27.4.2022. | 19.9.2022. | KUL-2022-1-1 | Museums, Galleries and Collections, 2021 | Postponed because the manner of data processing have completely been changed. | |
19.4.2022. | Unplanned! | 22.4.2022. | NR-2022-1-2 | Quarterly Gross Domestic Product – Harmonisation of National Accounts Aggregates with the Revision Policy by Quarters, 2021 | Unplanned! | |
19.4.2022. | Unplanned! | 22.4.2022. | Statistics in Line | Gross Domestic Product | Unplanned! | |
5.4.2022. | Unplanned! | 12.1.2023. | Statistics in Line | Industrial Producer Price Indices | Unplanned! | |
5.4.2022. | Unplanned! | 7.12.2022. | Statistics in Line | Industrial Producer Price Indices | Unplanned! | |
5.4.2022. | Unplanned! | 8.11.2022. | Statistics in Line | Industrial Producer Price Indices | Unplanned! | |
5.4.2022. | Unplanned! | 5.10.2022. | Statistics in Line | Industrial Producer Price Indices | Unplanned! | |
5.4.2022. | Unplanned! | 8.9.2022. | Statistics in Line | Industrial Producer Price Indices | Unplanned! | |
5.4.2022. | Unplanned! | 4.8.2022. | Statistics in Line | Industrial Producer Price Indices | Unplanned! | |
5.4.2022. | Unplanned! | 7.7.2022. | Statistics in Line | Industrial Producer Price Indices | Unplanned! | |
5.4.2022. | Unplanned! | 9.6.2022. | Statistics in Line | Industrial Producer Price Indices | Unplanned! | |
5.4.2022. | Unplanned! | 6.5.2022. | Statistics in Line | Industrial Producer Price Indices | Unplanned! | |
5.4.2022. | Unplanned! | 8.4.2022. | Statistics in Line | Industrial Producer Price Indices | Unplanned! | |
21.3.2022. | 24.3.2022. | 8.4.2022. | OBR-2022-4-1 | Academic Staff at Institutions of Higher Education, 2021/2022 Academic Year | Delayed due to incomplete coverage and technical problems faced by reporting units while submitting the data. | |
23.2.2022. | Unplanned! | 28.2.2022. | Statistics in Line | Census of Population, Households and Dwellings in 2021 - First Results | Unplanned! | |
26.1.2022. | 8.2.2022. | 8.2.2022. | Geostat | Census of Population, Households and Dwellings in 2021 - First Results | Unplanned! | |
26.1.2022. | 31.1.2022. | 31.1.2022. | 12.1.7. | Tourism Satellite Account for the Republic of Croatia, 2019 | Unplanned! | |
26.1.2022. | 31.1.2022. | 31.1.2022. | Statistics in Line | Tourism Satellite Account for the Republic of Croatia | Unplanned! | |
19.1.2022. | 22. 4. 2022. | 21. 4. 2023. | Databases | Environmental Protection Expenditure Accounts (EPEA) and Environmental Goods and Services Sector (EGSS) Accounts | The date of publishing of the Databases has been erroneously announced. | |
19.1.2022. | 21. 4. 2022. | 22. 4. 2022. | NR-2022-4-1/1 | Excessive Deficit Procedure Report, Republic of Croatia, April 2022 | Delayed due to the harmonisation with the date of publishing data in Eurostat. | |
19.1.2022. | 20.10.2022. | 21.10.2022. | NR-2022-4-1/2 | Excessive Deficit Procedure Report, Republic of Croatia, October 2022 | Delayed due to the harmonisation with the date of publishing data in Eurostat. | |
19.1.2022. | 20.10.2022. | 21.10.2022. | NR-2022-2-2 | Annual Gross Domestic Product, 1995 – 2021 | Delayed due to the harmonisation with the date of publishing data on the general government deficit and debt. | |
19.1.2022. | 20.10.2022. | 21.10.2022. | Statistics in Line | Annual Gross Domestic Product – Annual Calculation | Delayed due to the harmonisation with the date of publishing data on the general government deficit and debt. | |
19.1.2022. | 28.4.2023. | 28.4.2022. | 1706 | Research and Development, 2020 | The date of publishing of the Statistical Report has been erroneously announced. | |
28.12.2021. | Unplanned! | 14.1.2022. | Statistics in Line | Census of Population, Households and Dwellings in 2021 - First Results | Unplanned! | |
20.12.2021. | 23.12.2021. | 28.1.2022. | 8.3.2. | Artistic Production and Live Performances, 2020/2021 Season | Delayed due to aggravated working conditions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, because of which some of the reporting units were unable to submit reports in a timely manner. | |
3.12.2021. | 8.12.2021. | 8.12.2021. | Databases | Crop Balance | Unplanned! | |
3.12.2021. | 8.12.2021. | 8.12.2021. | Databases | Pesticide Sale | Unplanned! | |
7.10.2021. | 18.10.2021. | 21.10.2021. | Statistics in Line | Gross Domestic Product - Annual Calculation | Delayed due to the harmonisation with the date of publishing data on the general government deficit and debt | |
7.10.2021. | 18.10.2021. | 21.10.2021. | 12.1.4. | Annual Gross Domestic Product, 1995 - 2020 | Delayed due to the harmonisation with the date of publishing data on the general government deficit and debt | |
21.7.2021. | 23.11.2021. | 26.7.2021. | 8.3.1. | Libraries, 2020 | Published earlier | |
2.7.2021. | 7.7.2021. | 23.7.2021. | 8.3.3. | Radio and Television Broadcasting, 2020 | Published earlier | |
2.7.2021. | 7.7.2021. | 23.7.2021. | Statistics in Line | Radio Subscribers | Delay in data processing | |
2.7.2021. | 7.7.2021. | 23.7.2021. | Statistics in Line | TV Subscribers | Delay in data processing | |
21.6.2021. | 25.6.2021. | 14.7.2021. | 9.2.6/1. | Labour Force in the Republic of Croatia, 2021 | Delayed due to the implementation of the new Regulation (EU) 2019/1700. | |
21.6.2021. | 25.6.2021. | 14.7.2021. | Statistics in Line | Employment - Active Population (Labour Force) | Delayed due to the implementation of the new Regulation (EU) 2019/1700. | |
21.6.2021. | 24.9.2021. | 13.10.2021. | 9.2.6/2. | Labour Force in the Republic of Croatia, 2021 | Delayed due to the implementation of the new Regulation (EU) 2019/1700. | |
21.6.2021. | 24.9.2021. | 13.10.2021. | Statistics in Line | Employment - Active Population (Labour Force) | Delayed due to the implementation of the new Regulation (EU) 2019/1700. | |
31.5.2021. | Unplanned! | 2.3.2022. | 9.2.8/4. | Persons in Paid Employment, by Sex and by Counties, First Quarter of 2021 | Unplanned! | |
31.5.2021. | Unplanned! | 2.3.2022. | 9.1.6/4. | Average Monthly Net and Gross Earnings of Persons in Paid Employment, by Counties, First Quarter of 2021 | Unplanned! | |
31.5.2021. | Unplanned! | 2.3.2022. | 9.1.5/4. | Average Monthly Net and Gross Earnings of Persons in Paid Employment, by Sex, First Quarter of 2021 | Unplanned! | |
31.5.2021. | Unplanned! | 2.3.2021. | Statistics in Line | Employment, by Activity Sections and by Sex – Review by Counties | Unplanned! | |
31.5.2021. | Unplanned! | 2.3.2021. | Statistics in Line | Earnings, by Activity Sections – Review by Counties | Unplanned! | |
31.5.2021. | Unplanned! | 2.3.2021. | Statistics in Line | Earnings, by Sex and According to NKD 2007. | Unplanned! | |
31.5.2021. | Unplanned! | 1.12.2021. | 9.2.8/3. | Persons in Paid Employment, by Sex and by Counties, First Quarter of 2021 | Unplanned! | |
31.5.2021. | Unplanned! | 1.12.2021. | 9.1.6/3. | Average Monthly Net and Gross Earnings of Persons in Paid Employment, by Counties, First Quarter of 2021 | Unplanned! | |
31.5.2021. | Unplanned! | 1.12.2021. | 9.1.5/3. | Average Monthly Net and Gross Earnings of Persons in Paid Employment, by Sex, First Quarter of 2021 | Unplanned! | |
31.5.2021. | Unplanned! | 1.12.2021. | Statistics in Line | Employment, by Activity Sections and by Sex – Review by Counties | Unplanned! | |
31.5.2021. | Unplanned! | 1.12.2021. | Statistics in Line | Earnings, by Activity Sections – Review by Counties | Unplanned! | |
31.5.2021. | Unplanned! | 1.12.2021. | Statistics in Line | Earnings, by Sex and According to NKD 2007. | Unplanned! | |
31.5.2021. | Unplanned! | 31.8.2021. | 9.2.8/2. | Persons in Paid Employment, by Sex and by Counties, First Quarter of 2021 | Unplanned! | |
31.5.2021. | Unplanned! | 31.8.2021. | 9.1.6/2. | Average Monthly Net and Gross Earnings of Persons in Paid Employment, by Counties, First Quarter of 2021 | Unplanned! | |
31.5.2021. | Unplanned! | 31.8.2021. | 9.1.5/2. | Average Monthly Net and Gross Earnings of Persons in Paid Employment, by Sex, First Quarter of 2021 | Unplanned! | |
31.5.2021. | Unplanned! | 31.8.2021. | Statistics in Line | Employment, by Activity Sections and by Sex – Review by Counties | Unplanned! | |
31.5.2021. | Unplanned! | 31.8.2021. | Statistics in Line | Earnings, by Activity Sections – Review by Counties | Unplanned! | |
31.5.2021. | Unplanned! | 31.8.2021. | Statistics in Line | Earnings, by Sex and According to NKD 2007. | Unplanned! | |
31.5.2021. | Unplanned! | 2.6.2021. | 9.2.8/1 | Persons in Paid Employment, by Sex and by Counties, First Quarter of 2021 | Unplanned! | |
31.5.2021. | Unplanned! | 2.6.2021. | 9.1.6/1 | Average Monthly Net and Gross Earnings of Persons in Paid Employment, by Counties, First Quarter of 2021 | Unplanned! | |
31.5.2021. | Unplanned! | 2.6.2021. | 9.1.5/1. | Average Monthly Net and Gross Earnings of Persons in Paid Employment, by Sex, First Quarter of 2021 | Unplanned! | |
31.5.2021. | Unplanned! | 2.6.2021. | Statistics in Line | Employment, by Activity Sections and by Sex – Review by Counties | Unplanned! | |
31.5.2021. | Unplanned! | 2.6.2021. | Statistics in Line | Earnings, by Activity Sections – Review by Counties | Unplanned! | |
31.5.2021. | Unplanned! | 2.6.2021. | Statistics in Line | Earnings, by Sex and According to NKD 2007. | Unplanned! | |
10.05.2021. | 8.10.2021. | 13.5.2021. | 8.3.5. | Archives, 2020 | Published earlier. | |
10.05.2021. | 17.9.2021 | 24.5.2021. | 8.3.4. | Cinematography, 2020 | Published earlier. | |
10.05.2021. | 17.9.2021 | 24.5.2021. | Statistics in Line | Cinemas, Seats and Attendance | Published earlier. | |
19.4.2021. | 22.04.2021. | 22.04.2022. | Databases | Environmental Protection Expenditure Accounts (EPEA) and Environmental Goods and Services Sector (EGSS) Accounts | Datum objavljivanja baze podataka pogrešno je najavljen | |
19.4.2021. | Unplanned! | 22.4.2021. | Statistics in Line | Gross Domestic Product | Unplanned! | |
19.4.2021. | Unplanned! | 22.4.2021. | 12.1.6. | Quarterly Gross Domestic Product – Harmonisation of National Accounts Aggregates with the Revision Policy, by Quarters, 2020 | Unplanned! | |
23.3.2021. | 26.3.2021. | 26.3.2021. | 8.2.4. | Patents, 2020 | Application of the new Common Classification of Territorial Units for Statistics HR-NUTS 2021 – HR NUTS 2 as of 1 January 2020 | |
2.3.2021. | 11.3.2021. | 5.3.2021. | Statistics in line | Tourist Arrivals and Nights | Published earlier. | |
2.3.2021. | 11.3.2021. | 5.3.2021. | 4.3.2. | Tourist Arrivals and Nights, 2020 | Published earlier. | |
9.2.2021. | 12.2.2021. | 12.2.2021. | Statistics in Line | Gross Domestic Product for Republic of Croatia, Per Capita, NUTS 2013 – 2nd Level and Counties | The HR NUTS 2021 classification does not currently apply to national accounts data. | |
9.2.2021. | 16.2.2021. | 16.2.2021. | 12.1.6. | Pension Entitlements in the Republic of Croatia, 2018 | Unplanned! | |
9.2.2021. | 12.2.2021. | 12.2.2021. | 12.1.3. | Gross Domestic Product for Republic of Croatia, NUTS 2013 - 2nd Level and Counties, 2018 | The HR NUTS 2021 classification does not currently apply to national accounts data. | |
9.2.2021. | 15.2.2021. | 15.2.2021. | Geostat | Gross Domestic Product for Republic of Croatia, NUTS 2013 – 2nd Level and Counties | The HR NUTS 2021 classification does not currently apply to national accounts data. | |
9.2.2021. | 15.2.2021. | 15.2.2021. | Geostat | Gross Domestic Product for Republic of Croatia, Per Capita, NUTS 2013 – 2nd Level and Counties | The HR NUTS 2021 classification does not currently apply to national accounts data. | |
9.2.2021. | 15.2.2021. | 15.2.2021. | Geostat | Gross Domestic Product for Republic of Croatia, NUTS 2013 – 2nd Level and Counties, Revised Data | The HR NUTS 2021 classification does not currently apply to national accounts data. | |
9.2.2021. | 15.2.2021. | 15.2.2021. | Geostat | Gross Domestic Product for Republic of Croatia, Per Capita, NUTS 2013 – 2nd Level and Counties, Revised Data | The HR NUTS 2021 classification does not currently apply to national accounts data. | |
25.1.2021. | 29.1.2021. | 12.3.2021. | 1670 | Labour Force Survey Results, Croatia, 2019 - Europe 2019 | Delayed due to aggravated working conditions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic | |
16.12.2020. | 8.10.2021. | 8.10.2021. | 8.3.6. | Archives, 2020 | Changed code of the First Release | |
15.12.2020. | 15.2.2021. | - | 8.3.5. | Online cultural content available during the Coronacrisis | Cancelled |