First Release

Year: LXII.
Zagreb, 11 February 2025

ISSN 1334-0557


The Croatian Bureau of Statistics presents data on the gross domestic product (GDP) for the Republic of Croatia in 2022, at the level of the HR_NUTS 2021 – HR NUTS 2 and at the level of counties, by economic activities.

The time series of data on GDP for the Republic of Croatia at the level of the HR_NUTS 2021 – HR NUTS 2 and at the level of counties has been revised for the period from 2000 to 2021.

The revised GDP data for the Republic of Croatia were published on 18 October 2024 in the First Release NR-2024-2-2 ''Annual Gross Domestic Product, 1995 – 2023'', revised data, in which the revision is explained in the Notes on Methodology.

Data series for the period from 2014 to 2022 is available in the attached Excel tables. The data are available at current prices and per capita.

Data are presented according to the methodology of the European System of National and Regional Accounts (ESA 2010).

Regional GDP is an indicator of a region’s output and can therefore be used for measuring and comparing the degree of economic activity of different regions. The regional GDP is not a measure of regional wellbeing or regional income.

The GDP data for the Republic of Croatia at the level of the HR_NUTS 2021 – HR NUTS 2 and at the level of counties are based on the final annual GDP data.

The time series of the GDP data is presented according to the National Classification of Activities, 2007 version (NKD 2007).

The population data at the level of the Republic of Croatia, at the level of the HR_NUTS 2021 – HR NUTS 2 and at the level of counties was calculated as an average of the situations as on 31 December of the previous year and 31 December of the current year according to demographic statistics data.

Detailed data can be downloaded on the link Statistics in Line.



   Republic of Croatia Pannonian Croatia Adriatic Croatia City of Zagreb North Croatia Republic of Croatia Pannonian Croatia Adriatic Croatia City of Zagreb North Croatia
  GDP, mln HRK GDP per capita, HRK1)
2014 338 086 63 096 108 778 114 619 51 594 80 511 53 402 78 405 145 426 61 262
2015 346 371 64 730 111 148 117 463 53 031 83 342 55 756 80 852 149 416 63 570
2016 358 414 66 406 115 706 121 020 55 282 87 313 58 432 85 063 154 435 67 040
2017 374 732 67 409 122 054 126 962 58 307 92 605 60 893 90 740 162 673 71 631
2018 393 428 69 846 127 486 134 316 61 780 98 566 64 755 95 764 172 798 76 809
2019 413 691 73 476 132 288 142 160 65 768 104 703 69 539 100 102 183 354 82 456
2020 382 354 70 553 115 099 133 000 63 701 97 707 67 950 87 779 172 357 80 424
2021 439 614 80 704 137 208 149 750 71 953 113 371 78 977 105 500 195 022 91 381
2022 509 446 91 627 164 926 168 152 84 742 132 097 91 050 127 150 219 026 107 891
  GDP, mln EUR2) GDP per capita, EUR1)
2014 44 310 8 269 14 257 15 022 6 762 10 552 6 999 10 276 19 060 8 029
2015 45 518 8 506 14 606 15 436 6 969 10 952 7 327 10 625 19 635 8 354
2016 47 602 8 820 15 367 16 073 7 342 11 596 7 761 11 298 20 511 8 904
2017 50 232 9 036 16 361 17 019 7 816 12 413 8 163 12 163 21 806 9 602
2018 53 065 9 421 17 195 18 116 8 333 13 294 8 734 12 916 23 307 10 360
2019 55 802 9 911 17 844 19 176 8 871 14 123 9 380 13 502 24 732 11 122
2020 50 757 9 366 15 279 17 655 8 456 12 970 9 020 11 652 22 880 10 676
2021 58 427 10 726 18 236 19 902 9 563 15 068 10 496 14 022 25 919 12 145
2022 67 641 12 166 21 898 22 326 11 252 17 539 12 089 16 882 29 081 14 325
  GDP per capita according to PPS (EU-27 = 100) Indices GDP per capita (Republic of Croatia = 100)
2014 59,9 39,8 58,4 108,3 45,6 100,0 66,3 97,4 180,6 76,1
2015 60,8 40,7 59,0 109,1 46,4 100,0 66,9 97,0 179,3 76,3
2016 63,1 42,2 61,4 111,5 48,4 100,0 66,9 97,4 176,9 76,8
2017 65,3 42,9 64,0 114,7 50,5 100,0 65,8 98,0 175,7 77,4
2018 67,1 44,1 65,2 117,6 52,3 100,0 65,7 97,2 175,3 77,9
2019 69,1 45,9 66,0 120,9 54,4 100,0 66,4 95,6 175,1 78,8
2020 66,3 46,1 59,6 117,0 54,6 100,0 69,5 89,8 176,4 82,3
2021 71,1 49,5 66,2 122,3 57,3 100,0 69,7 93,1 172,0 80,6
2022 73,1 50,4 70,4 121,2 59,7 100,0 68,9 96,3 165,8 81,7

1) The average for the total population of the Republic of Croatia was calculated as the average of the situation as on 31 December of the previous year and 31 December of the current year according to demographic statistics data.
2) Source: Calculation according to CNB exchange rates (Bulletin 280)

01 County of Zagreb 08 County of Primorje-Gorski kotar 15 County of Šibenik-Knin
02 County of Krapina-Zagorje 09 County of Lika-Senj 16 County of Vukovar-Srijem
03 County of Sisak-Moslavina 10 County of Virovitica-Podravina 17 County of Split-Dalmatia
04 County of Karlovac 11 County of Požega-Slavonija 18 County of Istria
05 County of Varaždin 12 County of Slavonski Brod-Posavina 19 County of Dubrovnik-Neretva
06 County of Koprivnica-Križevci 13 County of Zadar 20 County of Međimurje
07 County of Bjelovar-Bilogora 14 County of Osijek-Baranja 21 City of Zagreb


Mln kuna

HR_NUTS 2021 – HR NUTS 2 and counties NKD 2007
A B, C,
D, E
Of which C F G, H, I J K L M, N O, P, Q R, S,
T, U
Gross value added (basic prices)
Republic of Croatia 17 286 76 998 62 533 25 223 102 995 26 255 20 351 38 149 32 733 69 665 14 586 424 241
Pannonian Croatia 8 857 16 309 13 251 5 365 11 673 2 264 1 791 8 552 3 374 15 865 2 250 76 302
Bjelovar-Bilogora 1 925 1 688 1 509 438 689 119 371 453 281 1 410 188 7 561
Virovitica-Podravina 770 845 713 270 566 85 119 518 167 885 144 4 367
Požega-Slavonia 332 865 687 221 463 98 69 458 94 942 97 3 640
Slavonski Brod-Posavina 761 2 330 2 071 494 1 726 200 160 1 178 364 1 630 274 9 115
Osijek-Baranja 2 046 4 137 3 132 1 747 3 227 1 187 515 2 013 1 440 4 770 774 21 857
Vukovar-Srijem 883 1 984 1 380 639 1 644 109 167 1 331 332 2 191 314 9 593
Karlovac 569 2 450 2 186 541 1 741 308 204 895 335 1 835 234 9 111
Sisak-Moslavina 1 571 2 011 1 573 1 014 1 617 159 188 1 709 360 2 202 225 11 057
Adriatic Croatia 2 469 19 789 14 728 10 073 42 907 4 705 4 339 18 028 9 007 20 971 5 052 137 342
Primorje-Gorski kotar 275 8 593 7 518 2 040 10 284 928 858 3 511 2 321 4 660 1 155 34 625
Lika-Senj 483 446 160 417 1 057 91 57 581 91 752 83 4 058
Zadar 619 1 621 1 026 1 352 3 409 207 623 2 555 1 162 2 633 538 14 720
Šibenik-Knin 147 1 255 890 613 2 014 160 236 1 405 459 1 395 488 8 169
Split-Dalmatia 477 3 164 2 090 2 953 11 235 1 564 1 599 5 058 2 842 6 726 1 587 37 205
Istria 257 4 183 2 904 1 589 9 628 1 367 657 3 112 1 325 2 814 702 25 634
Dubrovnik-Neretva 211 529 140 1 110 5 278 388 310 1 807 807 1 992 499 12 931
City of Zagreb 208 17 846 13 682 4 691 33 489 17 622 12 862 6 765 17 593 23 249 5 704 140 028
City of Zagreb 208 17 846 13 682 4 691 33 489 17 622 12 862 6 765 17 593 23 249 5 704 140 028
North Croatia 5 752 23 054 20 871 5 093 14 926 1 663 1 358 4 803 2 759 9 580 1 580 70 569
Međimurje 964 4 431 4 125 560 1 082 211 194 931 476 1 177 159 10 184
Varaždin 908 6 425 5 902 853 2 211 583 470 590 655 2 277 469 15 440
Koprivnica-Križevci 1 542 2 364 2 088 1 037 1 181 75 266 534 289 1 337 202 8 827
Krapina-Zagorje 249 3 426 3 132 512 1 279 102 150 754 260 1 361 173 8 265
Zagreb 2 089 6 408 5 623 2 131 9 173 691 278 1 995 1 080 3 430 577 27 853


NKD 2007 activity sections    
A Agriculture, forestry and fishing
B Mining and quarrying  
C Manufacturing    
D Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply
E Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities
F Construction    
G Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
H Transportation and storage  
I Accommodation and food service activities
J Information and communication
K Financial and insurance activities
L Real estate activities  
M Professional, scientific and technical activities
N Administrative and support service activities
O Public administration and defence; compulsory social security
P Education    
Q Human health and social work activities
R Arts, entertainment and recreation
S Other service activities  
T Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods and services producing activities of households for own use
U Activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies



The purpose of the statistical survey

The purpose of the statistical survey is to estimate the gross value added (GVA) and the gross domestic product (GDP) for the Republic of Croatia as well as at the level of the HR_NUTS 2021 – HR NUTS 2 and at the level of counties.

Sources and methods of data collection

Data sources for the calculation of GVA and GDP are the national accounts data, annual business statistics surveys, economic accounts for agriculture, annual data on persons in employment and earnings, annual data of the Croatian Institute for Pension Insurance on the number of insured persons and various other statistical data.


The calculation covers all activities following the concepts of the System of National Accounts (SNA 2008) and the European System of National and Regional Accounts (ESA 2010).


Regional accounts are a subsystem of national accounts in which the Republic of Croatia, units at the level of the HR_NUTS 2021 – HR NUTS 2 and at the level of counties are the main objects of observation. The concepts used in the regional accounts are the same as those used in the national accounts.

GDP at market prices is the sum of values added by activities, including items at the level of the national economy that are not classified by activities, such as taxes on products less subsidies on products.

Other explanations

GVA and GDP for the Republic of Croatia, at the level of the HR_NUTS 2021 – HR NUTS 2 and at the level of counties are calculated by using the indirect method. The national GVA figures by activities were allocated at the level of the HR_NUTS 2021 – HR NUTS 2 and at the level of counties by applying adequate distribution keys.

GDP per capita according to purchasing power standards (PPS) is an indicator that measures the economic development of EU's regions as a percentage of the EU average (EU-27 = 100). It shows how much a region is more or less developed than the average EU development or the general level of economic development of a particular region. It is expressed according to the purchasing power standard, which is an artificial currency unit that eliminates the differences between price levels between countries.


EU European Union
EU-27 European Union (27 Member States)
CNB Croatian National Bank
EUR euro
HRK Croatian kuna
mln million
NKD 2007 National Classification of Activities, 2007 version
HR_NUTS 2021 – HR NUTS 2 National Classification of Statistical Regions – level 2 statistical regions, 2021 version


Published by the Croatian Bureau of Statistics, Zagreb, Ilica 3, P. O. B. 80
Phone: (+385 1) 48 06 111
Press corner:

Persons responsible:
Suzana Šamec, Director of Macroeconomic Statistics Directorate
Lidija Brković, Director General

Prepared by:
Suzana Čajkušić, Sanja Jurić and Patrik Pipp


Customer Relations and Data Protection Department

Information and user requests
Phone: (+385 1) 48 06 138, 48 06 154, 48 06 115

Phone: (+385 1) 21 00 455

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