According to available data on the total slaughter of livestock in slaughterhouses, the number of slaughtered cattle decreased by 2.3% (approximately 3 700 head) in 2023 compared to 2022.
The slaughter of pigs decreased by 7.5%, that is, approximately 85 600 head less were slaughtered than in the previous year. The number of sheep slaughtered in slaughterhouses increased by approximately 14 500 head, that is, by 11.1%, while the number of slaughtered poultry decreased by 0.5% (approximately 188 700 head) compared to the previous year.
Concerning the net weight of livestock slaughtered in slaughterhouses, an increase of approximately 200 t (12.7%) was recorded in the production of sheep, and of approximately 451 t (0.6%) in the production of poultry.
The net weight of cattle and pigs slaughtered in slaughterhouses decreased by 0.1% (approximately 26 t) and 4.7% (3 850 t), respectively.
Concerning the total slaughtered livestock and poultry, including the estimate of domestic slaughtering on private family farms, the following changes were recorded compared to the previous year.
The number of slaughtered pigs in 2023, as compared to 2022, decreased by 2.2% (approximately 33 800 head), with a decrease in net weight of approximately 1.2% (1 401 t).
The total number of slaughtered sheep increased by approximately 24 700 head (4.8%), while an increase in net weight reached 605 t (10.2%).
The total number of slaughtered goats in 2023 was 4.7% lower (approximately 2 300 head), with a decrease in net weight of 33 t (6.1%).
The total number of slaughtered poultry increased by 0.3% (approximately 152 100 head) and their net weight by 3.1% (approximately 2 705 t).
The data on the total slaughtered cattle equal those on the cattle slaughtered in slaughterhouses.
Concerning the gross indigenous production, the situation was as follows.
Expressed in percentages, the number of slaughtered cattle decreased by 11.6% and their net weight by 11.2%.
The total number of slaughtered sheep increased by 0.7% and their net weight by 14.2%.
The total number of slaughtered pigs increased by 4.3%, while their net weight decreased by 3.5%.
The number of slaughtered goats decreased by 4.7% and their net weight by 6.0%.
Presented in numbers, there were approximately 10 520 head less of slaughtered cattle, approximately 3 000 head more of slaughtered sheep, approximately 54 100 head more of slaughtered pigs and approximately 2 323 head less of slaughtered goats. The decrease in net weight amounted to approximately 5 500 t in the category of cattle, the net weight in the category of pigs decreased by 4 500 t, the net weight of sheep increased by approximately 700 t and the net weight of goats decreased by approximately 33 t.
The number of slaughtered poultry decreased by 12.8% (approximately 7 205 000 head) and their net weight by 5.3% (approximately 4 800 t).
1) See Notes on Methodology. |
1) See Notes on Methodology. |
1) See Notes on Methodology. |
1) See Notes on Methodology. |
Sources and methods of data collection
Annual data on slaughtering of livestock and poultry in slaughterhouses are taken over from the Ministry of Agriculture – Directorate for Livestock and Food Quality (Department for the Control of the Carcass Classification System for Cattle, Pigs and Sheep).
Data on the total annual slaughtering of livestock and poultry are also obtained, except from administrative data on the slaughtering of livestock and poultry in slaughterhouses, on the basis of data collected in regular annual surveys on the number of livestock and livestock production at business entities and on private family farms.
Data on export and import of livestock and poultry are taken over from the external trade in goods statistics.
This survey serves for collecting data on the number of slaughtered livestock by types and categories, their weight before slaughtering (gross weight), the weight of dressed carcass (net weight) and data on coefficients of utilisation.
Data on the balance of livestock and poultry also include information on the number of slaughtered livestock on private family farms as well as on compulsory slaughtering at legal entities.
The methodology for carrying out the livestock survey is based on the Regulation (EC) No. 1165/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 November 2008 concerning livestock and meat statistics.
Coverage and comparability
Reporting units that submit monthly reports on livestock and poultry slaughtering are legal entities, parts thereof and tradesmen engaged in the activity of livestock and poultry slaughtering.
Data on the number and production of livestock for business entities are collected in two ways: on reports submitted to the Croatian Bureau of Statistics by postal service and by using the internet application filled in by reporting units.
Data for private family farms are collected by telephone interviewing on a selected stratified sample. The sample has been selected from the Statistical Register of Agricultural Holdings, which has approximately 17 000 units.
Gross indigenous production forecast is based on estimation models by using data from available administrative sources and regular statistical surveys.
Aggregate data for which there are reasons for confidentiality (small number of units, the dominance rule or secondary confidentiality rule) according to the Official Statistics Act (NN, No. 25/20) and to the Ordinance on the Statistical Data Protection Method are treated as confidential and therefore are not published.
Net weight is the weight of dressed carcass of slaughtered animals without skin and blood, eviscerated and beheaded (not including piglets and poultry), and after removal of the viscera, fore ends and hind legs with knuckle.
Coefficient of utilisation of slaughtered livestock and poultry is a percentage ratio of the weight of the slaughtered cattle and poultry (net weight) and the weight of livestock and live poultry (gross weight), and it is presented in percentage.
Total slaughtering of livestock and poultry covers all livestock and poultry slaughtered on the territory of the Republic of Croatia, irrespective of origin. It represents the sum of livestock and poultry slaughtered in slaughterhouses and livestock and poultry slaughtered at legal entities (compulsory slaughtering) and on private family farms. The data on the total slaughtering of cattle include solely the cattle slaughtered in slaughterhouses.
Gross indigenous production covers livestock and poultry bred on the territory of the Republic of Croatia. It represents the difference between the total slaughtered livestock and poultry and the external trade balance (gross indigenous production – slaughtered meat production minus the meat equivalent of animals imported alive plus the meat equivalent of animal exported alive).
Gross indigenous production forecast corresponds to the estimate of slaughtered cattle, pigs and sheep plus their external trade balance.
NN | Narodne novine, official gazette of the Republic of Croatia |
t | tonne |
z | data are not published for confidentiality reasons |
Published by the Croatian Bureau of Statistics, Zagreb, Ilica 3, P. O. B. 80
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Edita Omerzo, Director of Spatial Statistics Directorate
Lidija Brković, Director General
Prepared by:
Mario Valentić and Ana Pavetić
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