First Release

Year: LXI.
Zagreb, 19 September 2024

ISSN 1334-0557


Data on libraries that operated on the territory of the Republic of Croatia in 2023 were obtained by processing the administrative database of the National and University Library.

A total of 1 872 libraries were covered, which included one national library, 125 libraries at institutions of higher education, university and scientific libraries, 106 specialised libraries, 309 public libraries, 965 libraries in basic schools and 366 libraries in secondary schools.

In 2023, of the total number of libraries, 10% were autonomous, 12% were part of another library (library branch) and 78% were part of another institution, enterprise or educational institution.

Increase in the number of libraries with internet access

The modernisation of libraries with new media and technologies enables a direct access to all types of knowledge and information. Therefore, 71% of libraries had a multimedia department and almost 100% were equipped with the internet connection.

There were 4 083 persons employed in libraries, of which 84% were women. Of the total number of persons employed in libraries, 91% were professional library staff.

The most numerous members of public libraries and visitors to library events were children and youth up to 18 years of age

A total of 1 152 466 persons had a library membership in 2023, of which 75% were active users. Women accounted for 64% of the total number of public library users.

The members of libraries in basic and secondary schools accounted for 42% of all library memberships, followed by the members of public libraries with the share of 40% in the total membership. Children and youth up to 18 years of age accounted for 43% of public library memberships.

Observing the age structure of visitors to library events, 68% of visitors were under 18 years of age.

Access to libraries for all

In order to encourage reading and improve the accessibility to library materials in rural areas, public libraries doubled the number of mobile libraries (library buses) from nine (in 2022) to 18 (in 2023).

The number of personal visits to libraries increased to 38% in 2023, which was 9% more than in 2022. Of the total number of visits to libraries, the share of personal visits to those in basic schools was the highest, 88%, followed by libraries in secondary schools, 72%, and public libraries, 35%.

In 2023, there were 52 568 library events, which was 12% more than in 2022. Of that number, 42 416 were intended for children and youth. Furthermore, there were 25 402 educational workshops.




Type of library Status Additional departments and services
Total Autonomous Part of another library Part of another institution/ enterprise Seats for users Multimedia departments For visually impaired Internet/ WLAN Toys and didactic games Library bus
Total 1 872  187  229 1 456 40 783 1 331  48 1 866  549  18
National  1  1 - - 1 264  1  1  1 - -
At institutions of higher education, university and scientific  125  4  24  97 5 091  114  11  125 - -
Specialised  106  1  6  99 1 203  67  5  103 - -
Public  309  181  116  12 10 195  299  16  307  209  18
In basic schools  965 -  81  884 15 866  574  13  964  290 -
In secondary schools  366 -  2  364 7 164  276  2  366  50 -


Type of library Processed book materials, number of items Processed non-book materials, number of items
Books (volumes) Newspapers (annual files) Magazines (volumes) Manuscripts and graded papers Other book materials Toys and didactic games Digitised book materials Originally digital materials Audio-visual materials Electronic materials on removable media
Total 29 081 847  242 762 2 693 209  581 664  597 605  23 192  141 746  499 325  766 644  193 120
National 1 685 106  126 767  374 342  267 712  131 173 -  14 608  176 901  233 756  64 972
At institutions of higher education, university and scientific 5 788 855  54 670 1 219 113  300 411  164 380 -  71 482  234 390  43 036  75 883
Specialised 2 145 020  24 065  898 960  13 541  122 075 -  28 693  75 757  4 867  8 272
Public 12 125 078  35 049  153 922 -  127 961  17 947  26 963  12 277  396 721  33 059
In basic schools 4 942 517  1 587  29 170 -  5 441  4 142 - -  67 049  6 265
In secondary schools 2 395 271   624  17 702 -  46 575  1 103 - -  21 215  4 669


Type of library Total Use outside the library Use inside the library Use outside the library, by type of material
Total lending Books and brochures E-books Audio-visual and electronic materials, and graded papers Serial publications Other
Total 12 398 671 9 966 388 2 432 283 9 966 388 9 770 174  51 222  102 188  13 481  29 323
National  102 981  7 687  95 294  7 687  7 687 - - - -
At institutions of higher education, university and scientific  426 376  274 627  151 749  274 627  274 627 - - - -
Specialised  110 176  56 948  53 228  56 948  56 948 - - - -
Public 8 385 567 6 928 334 1 457 233 6 928 334 6 761 888  51 222  89 767  13 481  11 976
In basic schools 2 888 485 2 293 633  594 852 2 293 633 2 269 724 -  11 628 -  12 281
In secondary schools  485 086  405 159  79 927  405 159  399 300 -   793 -  5 066


Type of library1) Interlibrary loans
Total Received requests Submitted requests Requests for electronic delivery of documents
Total Resolved Total Resolved Total Resolved Total Resolved
Total 35 400 32 706 7 948 6 659 8 868 8 578 18 584 17 469
National 11 202 9 927 2 817 2 256 3 111 3 083 5 274 4 588
At institutions of higher education, university and scientific 12 687 12 226 1 366 1 313 2 677 2 620 8 644 8 293
Specialised 7 286 6 543 1 484  913 1 379 1 263 4 423 4 367
Public 4 225 4 010 2 281 2 177 1 701 1 612  243  221

1) In libraries in basic and secondary schools, there is no interlibrary loan, but only additions to and weeding out of book and non-book materials. Therefore, they are not included here.


Type of library Structure of library users
Total Pupils/students Employees External users Of that, active users
Total 693 337 538 852 115 350 39 135 474 420
National 11 657 - - 11 657 11 657
At institutions of higher education, university and scientific 141 802 122 377 11 897 7 528 64 382
Specialised 60 483 - 42 591 17 892 12 484
In basic schools 336 368 292 759 42 648  961 288 091
In secondary schools 143 027 123 716 18 214 1 097 97 806


Type of library Total Male Female Members, by age groups Active users New users
14 and under 15 – 17 18 − 64 65 and over
Public libraries 459 129 164 205 294 924 162 419 34 970 214 920 46 820 391 157 70 154


Type of library Visits to libraries and attendance of library events
Visits to libraries Library events Workshops
Total Physical Virtual Number of library events Attendance of library events Number Attendance
Total Of that children and youth Total Of that children and youth
Total 32 320 503 12 419 202 19 901 301  52 568  42 416 1 240 496  842 129  25 402  472 197
National 1 404 158  167 514 1 236 644   44 -  5 280 -   137  2 507
At institutions of higher education, university and scientific 7 254 805 1 499 624 5 755 181   366 -  14 608 -   846  12 734
Specialised 1 345 249  88 705 1 256 544   280 -  13 373 -   203  2 423
Public 16 537 865 5 749 836 10 788 029  33 305  23 843  758 282  393 176  5 183  115 434
In basic schools 4 685 056 4 124 625  560 431  15 766  15 766  357 566  357 566  15 883  275 835
In secondary schools 1 093 370  788 898  304 472  2 807  2 807  91 387  91 387  3 150  63 264


Type of library Employees Professional staff Other staff
Total Male Female Total Library advisors Senior librarians Graduate librarians Librarians Assistant librarians Students and other library staff
Total 4 083  629 3 446 3 711  82  168 2 331  221  611  298  372
National  306  103  203  273  24  19  72  13  60  85  33
At institutions of higher education, university and scientific  527  107  420  475  22  52  188  25  84  104  52
Specialised  163  20  138  157  13  11  94  11  15  13  6
Public 1 763  273 1 487 1 482  22  81  735  129  444  71  281
In basic schools  925  82  843  925 -  2  883  26  2  12 -
In secondary schools  399  44  355  399  1  3  359  17  6  13 -



   National library Libraries at institutions of higher education, university and scientific libraries Specialised libraries Public libraries Libraries in basic schools Libraries in secondary schools
Books (number of volumes) Total 17 822 64 288 15 784 435 193 125 393 41 166
  Purchase  365 18 386 4 093 299 648 96 624 31 634
  Replacement  176  472 3 280 12 294  153  48
  Donation 3 027 26 889 8 411 31 138 28 616 9 484
  Mandatory items 14 254 18 541 - 3 760 - -
  Purchase by the Ministry of Culture and Media - - - 88 353 - -
Magazines (number of volumes) Total 7 200 20 590 5 379 2 486 3 855 1 578
  Purchase  19 1 634  712 2 018 2 963  980
  Replacement  271 2 008 3 215  7 - -
  Donation  88 4 091 1 452  398  892  598
  Mandatory item 6 822 12 857 -  44 - -
  Purchase by the Ministry of Culture and Media - - -  19 - -
Newspapers (number of titles) Total  215 1 600  46  334  115  42
  Purchase -  47  30  107  108  36
  Replacement -  22  13 - -  1
  Donation -  38  3  17  7  5
  Mandatory item  215 1 493 -  203 - -
  Purchase by the Ministry of Culture and Media - - -  7 - -
Manuscripts and graded papers Total 1 061 7 259  252 - - -
  Purchase - 1 152 - - - -
  Replacement -  300 - - - -
  Donation - 5 807  252 - - -
  Mandatory item 1 061 - - - - -
Other book materials Total  719 2 307  296 1 743  222  537
  Purchase  23  62  108 1 058  153  435
  Replacement -  1 -  3 - -
  Donation  292 1 703  188  102  69  102
  Mandatory item  404  541 -  574 - -
  Purchase by the Ministry of Culture and Media - - -  6 - -
Audio-visual materials Total  863  419  111 6 839 1 448  356
  Purchase -  36  103 5 972 1 270  197
  Replacement - -  2 -  63 -
  Donation  136  47  6  732  115  159
  Mandatory item  727  336 -  23 - -
  Purchase by the Ministry of Culture and Media - - -  112 - -
Electronic materials on removable media Total  874 2 140  223  431  211  78
  Purchase -  294  39  370  93  67
  Replacement -  301  26 - - -
  Donation  16 1 075  158  54  118  11
  Mandatory item  858  470 -  7 - -
  Purchase by the Ministry of Culture and Media - - - - - -
Toys and didactic games Total - - - 1 172  430  123
  Purchase - - - 1 026  198  109
  Replacement - - - - - -
  Donation - - -  146  232  14
Digitised materials Total 1 309 13 805 2 143 1 594 - -
  Inside the library 1 309 8 617 1 099  550 - -
  Outside the library - 5 188 1 044 1 044 - -
Originally digital materials Total 45 535 150 950 75 364 3 740 - -
  E-books  382 83 174 59 883 3 740 - -
  E-magazines 1 396 26 274 13 903 - - -
  E-graded papers 33 754 37 786  515 - - -
  Other e-documents 10 003 3 716 1 063 - - -



   National library Libraries at institutions of higher education, university and scientific libraries1) Specialised libraries2) Public libraries Libraries in basic schools Libraries in secondary schools
Expenditures Total 14 947 705,66 13 830 625,09 4 336 547,86 56 130 019,03 18 346 944,28 8 408 350,84
  Acquisition of book materials  39 529,72 1 098 036,35  606 995,20 6 567 287,00 1 240 297,72  611 506,44
  Education of library staff  20 328,97  60 573,55  23 497,31  131 789,52  62 817,08  32 767,22
  Expenses of employees' gross earnings 5 663 171,77 9 715 682,39 3 469 514,39 33 563 061,19 16 775 959,22 7 560 941,42
  Other expenses 9 224 675,20 2 956 332,80  236 540,96 15 867 881,32  267 870,26  203 135,76
Revenues Total 15 343 973,14 3 305 150,59 - 56 944 108,05 20 597 137,56 9 583 456,33
  Revenues from the budget/parent institution3) 13 624 449,57 2 537 544,26 - 50 745 799,32 20 361 312,10 9 429 921,68
  Own revenues 1 207 023,11  236 398,55 - 3 032 789,00  133 399,63  71 316,51
  Other sources of revenues  512 500,46  531 207,78 - 3 165 539,73  102 425,83  82 218,14

1) As regards libraries at institutions of higher education, university and scientific libraries, the revenue of autonomous libraries is presented as own revenue and as revenue from other sources, while the revenue of libraries that are part of institutions of higher education or universities is presented as the revenue of the parent institution.
2) Specialised libraries have no revenue data, but only expenditure data. The revenue of specialised libraries is a part of the total revenue of the parent institution, of which the library is a part, so it is not presented separately.
3) The revenues covered by this First Release refer to direct library revenues from all levels of the budget of the Republic of Croatia (central, government and local bodies), revenues for the acquisition of materials, own revenues and other sources of revenues.


Sources and methods of data collection

Data on libraries are the result of processing statistical data from the administrative database of the National and University Library (NSK). Pursuant to Article 6, paragraph 3 of the Library and Library Activity Act (NN, Nos 17/19, 98/19, 114/22 and 36/24), libraries are obliged to collect statistical data on their operations and enter them into NSK’s system of unique electronic collection of statistical data on library operations in accordance with the standards referred to in Article 12, paragraph 2 of the aforementioned Act.

The collection of data from administrative sources is in line with the recommendations from the European Statistics Code of Practice relating to the use of administrative and other data whenever possible in order to reduce the burden on reporting units and to reduce the costs of collecting, processing and publishing statistical data.

Coverage and comparability

The statistical survey covers all libraries that existed on the territory of the Republic of Croatia on 31 December 2023. Data are comparable to those from previous years.

Definitions and explanations

Library is a legal entity that performs the library activity in accordance with the provisions of the Library and Library Activity Act.

According to the purpose and library contents, libraries are categorised as follows: national library, libraries at institutions of higher education, university and scientific libraries, specialised libraries, public libraries and school libraries.

Specialised (professional) library is a library that covers one discipline or a particular area of knowledge. The name “specialised library” is sometimes used to indicate a library intended primarily for a special category of users (e.g. patients) or focused on a particular form of documents (e.g. music, sound and video library, photograph library, cinematic arts library). It may be public if the founder is the Republic of Croatia or a legal entity predominantly owned by the Republic of Croatia, or private if the founder is another legal entity or natural person.

Administrative unit is a library or a group of libraries that operate under a single library administration. An administrative unit may consist of a central library and its branches.

Autonomous library is an independent public institution, that is, a registered legal entity, which performs the library activity in accordance with the Library and Library Activity Act.

Library that is a part of another library is an organisational unit of an institution or another legal entity that performs the library activity in accordance with the Library and Library Activity Act.

Library branch is an organisational part of the administrative unit of a library situated on a separate location, which provides services to users.

Library bus is a mobile library department, that is, a specially equipped vehicle for delivering library materials and providing services directly to users.

User area (net user area) is usable area for user services. It includes area for reading, learning (individually or in groups), lending, providing instruction, information and other services, areas where users use the library independently (borrowing and returning materials, automatic recording of book returns and lending), as well as areas for recreation and communication/rest and socialising, multipurpose halls, rooms for people who have suddenly fallen ill, the entrance hall, and areas with open access materials that are integral parts of user services.

Seats for users are seating places for users (excluding seating places for rest).

Library materials consist of each textual, visual and audio document, on easily transferable material or in electronically readable form, of informational, artistic, scientific or professional content, produced in several copies and intended for the public, including manuscripts. Games, toys, etc. are also considered library materials if they are part of the library fund.

Book materials are physical library materials that are not in digital form. They include books, serial publications, manuscripts, graded papers, brochures and other book materials (maps, photographs, art reproductions, etc.)

Fund includes overall library materials in all formats.

Book is a non-periodic printed publication of at least 49 pages, not including cover pages.

Brochure is a non-periodic printed publication of at least five and no more than 48 pages, not including cover pages.

Magazine is a periodic publication in several volumes whose publication is not limited in time, that is, which is established with the intention of being published in an unlimited number of volumes. It is published at more or less regular intervals.

Volume is a physical unit of any printed or manuscript work contained in one binding.

Newspaper is a serial material unit that is published at frequent intervals, usually daily, weekly or semi-weekly, which reports on current events and topics of public interest.

Manuscripts are original handwritten or typewritten materials.

Graded papers are papers that are required for completing a study and acquiring a certain academic title or degree of tertiary education. In the Republic of Croatia, they include a doctoral thesis or dissertation (at the end of postgraduate university study), graduate thesis (at the end of graduate and integrated graduate and undergraduate university study) and final thesis (at the end of all other studies, but often means the final thesis of undergraduate study).

Digitised materials are copies of the originals made by the process of digitisation, that is, conversion into digital form. Different forms can be digitised, such as text, audio, video materials, etc.

Digitised materials in originally digital form are materials that were originally created in digital form, such as e-books, e-magazines, e-newspapers, and other digital documents processed and stored in the repository of an institution.

Audiovisual materials are a type of non-book materials that can only be used with a certain device, such as a projector, reader, magnifier, etc. Audiovisual materials include films (video cassettes, boxes, reels and loops), microforms (microfilms, microfiche), video recordings (videotapes, videocassettes, video boxes and video discs), visual projections (filmstrips, slides, transparencies, stereographs and microscopic preparations) and sound recordings (gramophone records, compact discs, audiotapes, audiocassettes and loudspeakers).

Electronic collection includes sources in electronic form as part of the library collection, which are originally digital or have been digitised.

Electronic book is one or several computer files of limited content, which are publicly available online (online book) or in physical form (on CD ROM and DVD).

Other book materials are all materials other than books, periodicals, manuscripts, microfilms and audiovisual materials. This includes materials such as maps, charts, art reproductions, photographs, technical drawings, toys, multimedia, etc.

Additions include documents or material units that are added to the collection in the reporting period.

Library user (library member) is any person registered with the library as a user of its materials or services in the reporting year.

Active user is a library member (registered user) who visited or used the library or its services in the reporting year. The use may also include the use of electronic services inside or outside the library.

Visit is the act of entering the library premises or accessing the library website in order to use one of the services provided by the library.

Physical visit is the act of entering the library premises in order to use one of the services provided by the library.

Virtual visit is an individual external virtual visit to the library website and catalogue.

User education includes education programmes with an elaborate lecture plan for the acquisition of knowledge and skills for the use of the library and other information and technical services. It may include a guided tour of the library, as well as lessons on information technology and online services with educational content.

Workshop is an activity organised by an expert employee of the library for users. User education is defined as a programme with a special lecture plan aimed at teaching users how to use the library and other information and technical services. It also includes a guided tour of the library, as well as lessons on information technology and online services with educational content. Educations within the project are included only if the project is intended for library users.

Library events are activities organised for users for literary, cultural or social purposes, such as visits by authors, reading groups, literary meetings and exhibitions.

Interlibrary loan is a loan of documents in the material form (books) or delivery of documents as copies from one library to another that is not under the same management. It also covers electronically delivered documents.

Library advisor is a person who has at least five years of work experience in the library profession after acquiring the title of a senior librarian and who has expert knowledge due to which he/she has acquired at least 500 points in accordance with the Criteria for Assessing Professional Competence.

Senior librarian is a person who has passed the qualifying exam for a graduate librarian, at least five years of work experience in the profession after passing the qualifying exam for a graduate librarian and expert knowledge due to which he/she has acquired at least 400 points in accordance with the Criteria for Assessing Professional Competence.

Graduate librarian is a person who has completed an undergraduate and graduate university study in the field of information and communication sciences with at least 60 ECTS credits from the librarianship programme, or a librarianship study by which a university degree was obtained in accordance with the regulations that had been in force before the Act on Scientific Activity and Higher Education was in force, or who has completed another study by which a university degree was obtained in accordance with the regulations that had been in force before the aforementioned Act was in force, with the obligation to acquire 60 ECTS credits from the librarianship programme within three years from the day of employment and to pass the qualifying exam for a graduate librarian.

Librarian is a person who has completed an undergraduate university study in the field of information and communication sciences with at least 30 ECTS credits from the basic librarianship courses, or another study by which a non-university college degree was obtained in accordance with the regulations that had been in force before the Act on Scientific Activity and Higher Education was in force, with the obligation to acquire at least 30 ECTS credits from the basic librarianship courses within three years from the day of employment and to pass the qualifying exam for a librarian.

Assistant librarian is a person who has completed a four-year secondary school and has passed the qualifying exam for an assistant librarian.

Other library staff consists of all library employees who do not have a professional library title.

Students are university students who work part-time in libraries or who perform practice in libraries as part of certain courses.

Library revenues are the financial resources provided for the regular activity of the library.

Own revenue is the revenue generated by the library. It refers to revenues from the provision of services and/or delivery of goods on the market, such as the sale of own publications or renting premises, revenues from the main activity of the library, such as revenue from membership fees and late fees and revenue from property (interest).

Library expenditure is the expenditure incurred by managing the library. It includes the purchase of book materials, employees’ gross earnings, education of library staff and other library expenditures.

CD ROM compact disc read-only memory
DVD digital versatile disc
ECTS European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System
NN Narodne novine, official gazette of the Republic of Croatia
WLAN wireless local area network
- no occurrence

Published by the Croatian Bureau of Statistics, Zagreb, Ilica 3, P. O. B. 80
Phone: (+385 1) 48 06 111
Press corner:

Persons responsible:
Dubravka Rogić Hadžalić, Director of Demographic and Social Statistics Directorate
Lidija Brković, Director General

Prepared by:
Marija Gojević, Gordana Bralić and Maja Lončar


Customer Relations and Data Protection Department

Information and user requests
Phone: (+385 1) 48 06 138, 48 06 154, 48 06 115

Phone: (+385 1) 21 00 455

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