First Release

Year: LX.
Zagreb, 17 April 2023

ISSN 1334-0557

Situation as on 1 November 2022


Decrease in the total number of livestock and poultry

The total number of cattle decreased by 1.4% in 2022 compared to 2021. The total number of dairy cows continued to decrease, by 22.5%, while the number of other cows increased by 47.5%.

As regards the production of sheep in 2022, a decrease of 1.7% was recorded in the total number of head compared to 2021, with a simultaneous decrease of 8.0% in the number of milk sheep.

The number of goats decreased by 4.7%, while the total number of pigs decreased by 2.8%.

Compared to 2021, the total number of poultry decreased by 9.7%.

The reference date for recording the number of livestock and poultry for 2022 was changed from 1 December to 1 November, which could affect movements in the index for certain types and categories of livestock and poultry compared to 2021.

G-1 CATTLE FROM 2013 TO 2022


‘000 head

  1 XII 2021 1 XI 2022 Indices
1 XI 2022
1 XII 2021
Cattle – total 428 422 98,6
Young cattle under 1 year old 156 149 95,5
Calves for slaughter 20 19 95,0
Other, female 65 59 90,8
Other, male 71 71 100,0
Cattle between 1 and 2 years old 107 112 104,7
Heifers 48 47 97,9
Heifers, for slaughter 9 9 100,0
Male  50 56 112,0
Cattle of 2 years and over 165 161 97,6
Heifers 15 15 100,0
Heifers, for slaughter 1 1 100,0
Cows (including those that are under 2 years) – total 142 138 97,2
Dairy cows 102 79 77,5
Other cows 40 59 147,5
Other (bulls, bullocks) 7 7 100,0
Pigs − total 972 945 97,2
Piglets under 20 kg 272 231 84,9
Pigs from 20 to 50 kg 162 153 94,4
Fattening pigs (including culled ones) 431 474 110,0
50 to 80 kg 169 115 68,0
80 to 110 kg 120 164 136,7
Over 110 kg 142 195 137,3
Breeding pigs 107 87 81,3
Gilts  15 8 53,3
Mated gilts 8 7 87,5
Sows  51 44 86,3
Mated sows 30 26 86,7
Boars  3 2 66,7
Sheep − total 654 643 98,3
Lambs and young sheep under 1 year old 115 91 79,1
Lambed and first time mated sheep 512 522 102,0
Milk 87 80 92,0
Other 425 442 104,0
Other sheep (rams, sterile sheep) 27 30 111,1
Goats – total 86 82 95,3
Young goats under 1 year old 13 13 100,0
Goats, already kidded 56 53 94,6
Goats, first time mated 10 10 100,0
Other goats 7 6 85,7
Poultry – total 12 096 10 918 90,3
Chickens (broilers) 8 012 7 302 91,1
Hens 3 258 2 682 82,3
Other hens (pullets and roosters) 359 452 125,9
Turkeys 417 419 100,5
Geese 12 13 108,3
Ducks 36 49 136,1
Other poultry 2 1 50,0


Sources and methods of data collection

Data on the number of livestock were collected separately for business entities and parts thereof and for private family farms. These surveys serve for collecting data on the number and weight of livestock and poultry, balance of cattle, pigs, sheep, goats and poultry, balance of eggs, balance of milk produced on private family farms, production of cows’, sheep’s and goats’ milk, wool and eggs.

Data for business entities are collected in two ways: on reports which are submitted to the Croatian Bureau of Statistics by postal service and via a web application through which the reporting units themselves fill in data.

Data for private family farms are collected using the CATI method applied to a selected stratified sample. The sample for the Annual Survey on Crop and Animal Production (PO-71 form) has been selected from the Statistical Register of Agricultural Holdings and numbers approximately 22 000 units.

The expanded data have been compared to the data from previous years, available administrative sources (the Single Register of Domestic Animals of the Croatian Agricultural Agency) and other available data. On the basis of all available data, corrections were implemented as needed.

Data on the number of cattle and goats for 2022 have been taken over from the Single Register of Domestic Animals as an administrative data source.

The methodology for carrying out the livestock survey is based on the Regulation (EC) No. 1165/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 November 2008 concerning livestock and meat statistics, Commission Regulation (EC) No. 617/2008 of 27 June 2008 laying down detailed rules for implementing Regulation (EC) No. 1234/2007 as regarding marketing standards for eggs for hatching and farmyard poultry chicks and the Methodological Basis for Gathering Data on Milk and Dairy Products Statistics (NN, No. 42/13).

Coverage and comparability

Reporting units are business entities and parts thereof that are defined by section A Agriculture, forestry and fishing according to the National Classification of Activities, 2007 version (NN, Nos 58/07 and 72/07), as well as other business entities and parts thereof engaged in agricultural production that are classified elsewhere.

Reporting units are also private family farms engaged in the production of livestock and poultry.


Aggregate data for which there are reasons for confidentiality (small number of units, the dominance rule or secondary confidentiality rule), according to the Official Statistics Act (NN, No. 25/20) and according to the Ordinance on the Statistical Data Protection Method, are treated as confidential and therefore are not published.


Cows are female bovine animals, which have already calved.

Heifers are selected female bovine animals that have not calved yet.

Sows are female breeding animals that have farrowed for at least once.

Mated sows are female breeding animals that have already farrowed and are expected to farrow again.

Gilts are selected young female breeding animals that have not farrowed yet.

Mated gilts are young female breeding animals that are expected to farrow for the first time.

Boars are male breeding animals.

Ewes for breeding are female breeding animals that have already lambed as well as those that are expected to lamb for the first time.

Other poultry includes domestic guineafowls, quails and other poultry bred primarily for the production of meat and eggs. Feathered game raised for hunting is excluded.



European Community
kg kilogram
NN Narodne novine, official gazette of the Republic of Croatia
'000 thousand


Published by the Croatian Bureau of Statistics, Zagreb, Ilica 3, P. O. B. 80
Phone: (+385 1) 48 06 111
Press corner:

Persons responsible:
Edita Omerzo, Director of Business Statistics Directorate
Lidija Brković, Director General

Prepared by:
Mario Valentić and Anita Grlica


Customer Relations and Data Protection Department

Information and user requests
Phone: (+385 1) 48 06 138, 48 06 154

Phone: (+385 1) 48 06 115

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