First Release

Year: LX.
Zagreb, 05 December 2023

ISSN 1334-0557


Due to the fact that the method of the judgemental sample was introduced as well as to the changes regarding the selection of elements of the basic sample set and methodological adjustments, the data are not entirely comparable to those for the previous years. The data may be used only to gain an overview of the trend and for certain analytical purposes in relation to the previous year.

The relation of some values of categories in relation to the previous year (2021) and some shares show the following trend.

The value of gross investment in new and existing fixed assets included in this survey shows a nominal positive trend of 17.7% in 2022. The nominal positive trend of gross investment in new fixed assets amounted to 17.0%.

Own financial and joint assets had the highest share in the financing/acquisition of investment in fixed assets, 49.4%.

According to investors’ activities, the sections C Manufacturing, with 16.9%, and O Public administration and defence; compulsory social security, with 13.1%, comprised the largest share in gross investment in new and existing fixed assets, while, according to the types of assets, the largest share of that investment, 46.6%, referred to buildings, spaces and structures. Out of the total investment, 90.9% was investment in new fixed assets.

According to the activity of the intended purpose of investment, the sections C Manufacturing, with 16.3%, F Construction, with 9.6%, and G Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles, with 9.1%, comprised the largest share of gross investment in new fixed assets.


'000 kuna

  2021 2022
Gross investment in new and existing fixed assets 63 118 769 74 274 015
Of which: gross investment in new fixed assets 57 739 356 67 545 247


'000 kuna

Activity of investor Total Own financial and joint assets  Financial credits and leasing EU funds Budgetary assets and assets realised according to special regulations Other
  Total 74 274 015 36 720 835 15 609 926 9 707 366 10 349 323 1 886 565
A Agriculture, forestry and fishing 1 914 372 1 236 289 358 801 123 498 55 556 140 228
B Mining and quarrying 256 804 213 027 39 869 1 323 2 585 -
C Manufacturing 12 549 467 8 721 341 3 296 326 381 682 47 538 102 580
D Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 3 877 512 2 835 713 18 734 475 157 500 547 408
E Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities 4 759 548 906 960 200 171 2 432 805 1 133 386 86 226
F Construction 4 507 265 1 216 978 1 159 525 1 086 444 967 186 77 132
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 7 654 458 6 042 457 1 568 878 38 626 302 4 195
H Transportation and storage 5 402 641 1 765 313 1 708 000 1 276 365 638 380 14 583
I Accommodation and food service activities 4 464 397 3 470 175 947 917 13 517 9 427 23 361
J Information and communication 3 982 121 3 206 076 543 027 95 659 24 616 112 743
K Financial and insurance activities 4 566 784 1 749 897 2 802 605 282 40 13 960
L Real estate activities 2 887 660 1 436 536 1 197 275 4 226 147 276 102 347
M Professional, scientific and technical activities 2 238 432 1 335 859 156 003 504 473 226 558 15 539
N Administrative and support service activities 1 323 743 653 202 660 480 862 8 960 239
O Public administration and defence; compulsory social security 9 710 342 731 224 734 176 2 227 144 5 452 471 565 327
P Education 993 773 137 323 8 897 424 716 408 587 14 250
Q Human health and social work activities 1 765 882 324 632 113 419 384 490 905 915 37 426
R Arts, entertainment and recreation 1 176 005 677 096 89 758 182 413 199 660 27 078
S Other service activities 242 809 60 737 6 065 53 684 120 380 1 943
T Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods – and services – producing activities of households for own use - - - - - -
U Activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies - - - - - -


'000 kuna

Activity of investor Total Buildings, spaces and structures  Machinery and equipment with fittings Transport equipment Cultivated biological resources Intellectual property products Other assets
  Total 74 274 015 34 611 151 21 864 751 9 177 483 642 060 3 820 061 4 158 509
A Agriculture, forestry and fishing 1 914 372 562 479 566 251 139 969 540 080 21 335 84 258
B Mining and quarrying 256 804 22 495 133 693 27 407 387 63 487 9 335
C Manufacturing 12 549 467 3 679 850 7 295 475 590 337 56 879 405 873 521 053
D Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 3 877 512 1 561 305 2 116 456 12 397 2 742 157 567 27 045
E Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities 4 759 548 4 000 427 413 048 235 223 543 19 881 90 426
F Construction 4 507 265 3 085 450 686 543 395 831 1 653 25 496 312 292
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 7 654 458 3 385 443 2 337 204 810 397 5 793 146 142 969 479
H Transportation and storage 5 402 641 2 731 037 476 880 1 989 452 99 100 279 104 894
I Accommodation and food service activities 4 464 397 2 863 865 1 033 660 131 604 18 639 53 709 362 920
J Information and communication 3 982 121 301 108 2 279 683 13 218 - 1 081 857 306 255
K Financial and insurance activities 4 566 784 512 617 646 296 2 746 346 - 579 122 82 403
L Real estate activities 2 887 660 2 199 994 123 030 120 630 1 097 1 661 441 248
M Professional, scientific and technical activities 2 238 432 899 531 592 322 43 650 5 104 544 489 153 336
N Administrative and support service activities 1 323 743 98 061 399 158 731 062 - 10 658 84 804
O Public administration and defence; compulsory social security 9 710 342 6 696 035 1 095 928 972 168 6 490 482 503 457 218
P Education 993 773 437 732 497 217 11 681 585 19 876 26 682
Q Human health and social work activities 1 765 882 826 327 778 328 101 834 89 45 734 13 570
R Arts, entertainment and recreation 1 176 005 579 186 357 435 87 812 1 804 47 871 101 897
S Other service activities 242 809 168 209 36 144 16 465 76 12 521 9 394
T Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods – and services – producing activities of households for own use - - - - - - -
U Activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies - - - - - - -


'000 kuna

Activity of investor Total Buildings, spaces and structures  Machinery and equipment with fittings Transport equipment Cultivated biological resources Intellectual property products Other assets
  Total 67 545 247 32 498 158 21 308 442 7 824 769 625 423 3 816 238 1 472 217
A Agriculture, forestry and fishing 1 628 090 449 182 472 460 120 413 539 881 21 335 24 819
B Mining and quarrying 232 268 21 607 122 034 23 949 52 63 487 1 139
C Manufacturing 11 862 559 3 536 263 7 139 126 502 081 52 396 405 577 227 116
D Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 3 845 419 1 554 715 2 114 981 9 443 2 449 157 106 6 725
E Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities 4 698 256 3 995 830 404 766 217 520 543 19 682 59 915
F Construction 3 830 633 2 915 329 576 020 282 723 1 653 25 496 29 412
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 6 441 717 3 092 088 2 274 249 662 729 2 916 145 889 263 846
H Transportation and storage 4 877 667 2 690 594 451 483 1 588 858 99 100 279 46 354
I Accommodation and food service activities 3 603 831 2 372 877 989 054 118 817 13 936 52 831 56 316
J Information and communication 3 967 027 297 195 2 276 764 11 572 - 1 081 857 299 639
K Financial and insurance activities 4 001 438 443 468 641 968 2 295 442 - 578 887 41 673
L Real estate activities 2 135 619 1 886 967 122 452 107 508 1 022 1 645 16 025
M Professional, scientific and technical activities 2 017 337 799 989 589 611 36 722 1 854 544 489 44 672
N Administrative and support service activities 1 196 607 70 321 398 310 671 225 - 10 658 46 093
O Public administration and defence; compulsory social security 9 186 268 6 429 996 1 084 692 967 578 6 068 482 314 215 620
P Education 974 277 426 519 493 518 9 641 585 19 753 24 261
Q Human health and social work activities 1 747 589 817 583 776 462 100 083 89 45 732 7 640
R Arts, entertainment and recreation 1 100 632 565 513 345 625 83 297 1 804 46 700 57 693
S Other service activities 198 013 132 122 34 867 15 168 76 12 521 3 259
T Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods – and services – producing activities of households for own use - - - - - - -
U Activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies - - - - - - -


'000 kuna

Investment purpose activity Investment in new fixed assets, total Of which Investment in existing fixed assets
Buildings, spaces and structures Machinery and equipment with fittings Transport equipment Cultivated biological resources Intellectual property products
  Total 67 545 247 32 498 158 21 308 442 7 824 769 625 423 3 816 238 6 728 768
A Agriculture, forestry and fishing 1 857 621 620 553 499 593 109 023 583 107 19 506 194 283
B Mining and quarrying 979 738 579 645 296 003 36 388 52 65 961 36 698
C Manufacturing 11 031 408 2 899 643 6 978 648 516 250 14 982 391 056 749 089
D Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 3 945 393 1 574 009 2 198 391 8 274 22 157 581 126 429
E Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities 5 473 304 4 726 095 439 588 220 463 428 26 869 74 692
F Construction 6 477 904 5 544 122 548 456 306 468 1 179 39 840 589 980
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 6 136 543 2 967 754 2 226 339 548 566 1 547 135 902 1 094 469
H Transportation and storage 4 263 241 2 019 654 464 890 1 633 539 18 95 998 538 485
I Accommodation and food service activities 4 097 626 2 815 386 1 019 661 135 523 15 212 53 221 1 108 614
J Information and communication 3 938 521 300 748 2 232 650 14 486 - 1 089 766 8 933
K Financial and insurance activities 3 126 850 443 468 602 704 1 473 826 - 564 895 491 086
L Real estate activities 2 495 607 2 319 676 122 216 34 608 879 1 486 873 597
M Professional, scientific and technical activities 1 625 574 359 037 597 569 46 262 418 547 579 96 124
N Administrative and support service activities 2 219 921 114 290 453 215 1 610 654 3 667 12 227 209 763
O Public administration and defence; compulsory social security 3 076 175 903 520 653 877 914 619 1 529 417 259 183 472
P Education 2 168 809 1 435 484 628 844 10 516 414 66 525 22 736
Q Human health and social work activities 2 109 245 1 057 469 871 884 105 559 89 66 091 172 217
R Arts, entertainment and recreation 2 188 132 1 561 456 429 233 83 892 1 804 51 384 101 943
S Other service activities 333 635 256 149 44 681 15 853 76 13 092 56 158
T Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods – and services – producing activities of households for own use - - - - - - -
U Activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies - - - - - - -


'000 kuna

County of Investment by location of investor Investment by location of investment constructions
Total In new fixed assets In existing fixed assets In new fixed assets In existing fixed assets
Republic of Croatia 74 274 015 67 545 247 6 728 768 67 545 247 6 728 768
Zagreb 4 005 599 3 585 455 420 144 4 887 805 602 548
Krapina-Zagorje 1 099 949 1 021 360 78 589 1 232 086 172 238
Sisak-Moslavina 1 402 494 1 303 744 98 750 2 000 383 131 533
Karlovac 1 345 880 1 278 493 67 387 1 809 321 73 333
Varaždin 1 794 515 1 620 924 173 591 2 008 184 224 039
Koprivnica-Križevci 1 326 045 1 217 489 108 556 2 029 307 76 562
Bjelovar-Bilogora 831 837 726 624 105 213 1 197 173 122 092
Primorje-Gorski kotar 4 765 596 3 379 472 1 386 124 5 989 105 622 467
Lika-Senj 347 835 331 856 15 979 827 916 23 307
Virovitica-Podravina 550 478 509 075 41 403 625 738 43 663
Požega-Slavonia 578 066 489 194 88 872 609 829 43 264
Slavonski Brod-Posavina 734 489 657 008 77 481 1 081 567 106 936
Zadar 2 476 228 2 352 409 123 819 2 841 285 211 522
Osijek-Baranja 3 435 094 2 999 458 435 636 4 199 381 335 727
Šibenik-Knin 975 213 955 106 20 107 1 800 953 116 807
Vukovar-Sirmium 1 101 006 975 955 125 051 1 460 843 153 207
Split-Dalmatia 5 020 797 4 568 931 451 866 6 045 370 613 475
Istria 3 796 778 3 462 267 334 511 4 068 122 428 201
Dubrovnik-Neretva 981 746 941 469 40 277 2 185 980 810 040
Međimurje 1 248 657 1 096 404 152 253 1 334 059 172 199
City of Zagreb 36 455 713 34 072 554 2 383 159 18 811 637 1 623 504
Not classified - - - 499 203 22 104


'000 kuna

County of Investment in new fixed assets, total Of which
Buildings, spaces and structures Machinery and equipment with fittings Transport equipment Cultivated biological resources Intellectual property products
Republic of Croatia 67 545 247 32 498 158 21 308 442 7 824 769 625 423 3 816 238
Zagreb 4 887 805 2 901 360 1 411 991 322 454 30 510 116 497
Krapina-Zagorje 1 232 086 649 381 444 386 78 464 4 453 19 180
Sisak-Moslavina 2 000 383 1 250 595 568 812 97 006 54 344 16 071
Karlovac 1 809 321 1 177 053 441 147 92 454 31 059 22 024
Varaždin 2 008 184 922 642 829 102 178 101 41 696 19 717
Koprivnica-Križevci 2 029 307 1 400 808 467 869 55 909 25 569 52 786
Bjelovar-Bilogora 1 197 173 641 763 310 202 150 302 50 270 32 662
Primorje-Gorski kotar 5 989 105 2 779 177 2 631 876 351 871 24 848 104 861
Lika-Senj 827 916 577 522 158 248 26 326 38 708 21 893
Virovitica-Podravina 625 738 373 433 194 596 23 897 23 876 2 680
Požega-Slavonia 609 829 344 804 193 027 22 665 21 958 3 696
Slavonski Brod-Posavina 1 081 567 656 965 319 378 64 279 22 294 7 327
Zadar 2 841 285 1 589 766 857 076 292 546 20 023 32 542
Osijek-Baranja 4 199 381 2 646 017 1 172 283 221 760 95 825 40 127
Šibenik-Knin 1 800 953 899 412 656 194 178 726 19 048 17 780
Vukovar-Sirmium 1 460 843 892 142 366 891 58 296 48 417 80 991
Split-Dalmatia 6 045 370 3 444 898 1 571 698 741 211 35 208 137 525
Istria 4 068 122 2 259 141 1 423 969 209 767 19 329 99 702
Dubrovnik-Neretva 2 185 980 1 674 426 352 617 83 099 7 918 14 888
Međimurje 1 334 059 625 314 588 900 84 960 5 025 16 281
City of Zagreb 18 811 637 4 544 125 6 162 177 4 488 375 5 045 2 919 524
Not classified 499 203 247 414 186 003 2 301 - 37 484


Source and method of data collection and analysis

The source of data on gross investment are data from the statistical survey entitled Annual Report on Gross Investment in Fixed Assets of Legal Entities (INV-P form) for 2022, collected and processed using the judgemental sample method.

The grouping of the survey data is done according to two principles:

- Organisational principle – by the location and main activity of the investor

- Kind-of-activity and territory principle – by the location and investment purpose activity.

The data are analysed according to the National Classification of Activities, 2007 version (NKD 2007.) at the level of the Republic of Croatia and counties by the territorial constitution in effect since 31 December of the reporting year.

Coverage and comparability

The reporting units for the reference year are selected legal entities in the country selected by using the judgemental sample method.

Since 2013, the survey has covered the following legal entities:

-  Large and medium-sized enterprises, financial and insurance institutions, budget beneficiaries

- Small enterprises (since 2017, small and micro-sized enterprises) selected by using the judgemental sample method on the basis of the value of fixed assets

-  Non-profit organisations – major investors.

Source data for the sample formation are the collected and processed data from the annual, semi-annual and quarterly financial reports taken over from the Financial Agency (Fina).

In 2014, the form was revised and partially adjusted in line with the revised international statistical standards and methodologies, the European System of Accounts (ESA 2010) and the UN’s System of National Accounts (SNA 2008).

Due to the fact that the method of the judgemental sample was introduced, as well as to the changes regarding the selection of elements of the basic sample set and methodological adjustments, the data are not entirely comparable with data for the previous years.

The data collected in this survey are primarily used as one of the input databases for calculating the categories of total gross fixed capital formation and regional investment and cannot be directly used for the calculation of the shares of total gross fixed capital formation and/or similar shares in relation to the GDP and/or other macroeconomic categories nor as the total data on gross fixed capital formation. These data can only be used for specific analytical purposes and for an overview of the current trend in relation to the previous years.

Definitions and explanations

Sources of financing/acquisition of investment in fixed assets include all amounts for investment in new and existing fixed assets for the reporting year, that is, the means of acquiring fixed assets regardless of whether they have been paid for or not. Own financial and joint assets of foreign and international co-investors, financial credits and financial leasing, funds granted through EU programmes and funds, budgetary assets and assets realised according to special regulations, as well as assets from other sources (assets acquired without compensation, capital transfers in kind, fixed assets produced and retained for producer's own use, works done for own account and similar) are included.

Gross investment in new and existing fixed assets refers to the total realised investment in tangible and intangible fixed assets of domestic or international origin as well as fixed assets owned and acquired under financial leasing conditions. Realised investment is construction works and asset acquisitions done during the reporting year, regardless of whether they were completed and paid for or not. The data are divided according to investors’ main activity and the basic categories of types of assets (table 3), as well as according to the activity for which the investment is intended (table 5).

Gross investment in new fixed assets is a part of realised investment and refers to the construction and acquiring of domestic and foreign fixed assets, significant improvements of existing fixed assets and used fixed assets imported during the reporting year, which are treated as new because they increase the national wealth of the country. The data are divided according to the investors’ main activity and according to the basic types of assets.

Part of the data is shown at the counties level (tables 6 and 7).

Under the category Not classified (by counties), a part of the investment that was not possible to classify at the level of territorial constitution lower than the level of the Republic of Croatia was presented (for example, investment in the railway, roads, powerlines, electric cables, oil pipeline, gas pipeline, and similar).



Detailed Instructions for filling in the Annual Survey on Investment in Fixed Assets and the INV-P form for 2022 are available in the internet application of the Croatian Bureau of Statistics at the following link:             


GDP gross domestic product
NKD 2007. National Classification of Activities, 2007 version
UN  United Nations
‘000 thousand
- no occurrence

Published by the Croatian Bureau of Statistics, Zagreb, Ilica 3, P. O. B. 80
Phone: (+385 1) 48 06 111
Press corner:

Persons responsible:
Milenka Primorac Čačić, Director of Business Statistics Directorate
Lidija Brković, Director General

Prepared by:
Marijana Dragičević, Višnja Dožić and Ljiljana Batan


Customer Relations and Data Protection Department

Information and user requests
Phone: (+385 1) 48 06 138, 48 06 154, 48 06 115

Phone: (+385 1) 21 00 455

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