The output value of agricultural industry in 2020 increased by 1.6% compared to 2019, namely by 1.4% in Pannonian Croatia, by 0.7% in Adriatic Croatia and by 2.7% in North Croatia, while in the City of Zagreb it decreased by 5.1%.
The presented change rates in 2020 compared to 2019 show an increase in basic production costs (intermediate consumption), of 0.1% in Pannonian Croatia, 0.4% in the City of Zagreb and 0.3% in North Croatia, while in Adriatic Croatia there were no changes.
Crop output increased by 4.3% in 2020 compared to 2019, namely by 4.5% in Pannonian Croatia and by 8.4% in North Croatia, while it decreased by 0.3% in Adriatic Croatia and by 8.3% in the City of Zagreb.
Animal output decreased by 2.5% in 2020, namely by 3.9% in Pannonian Croatia and by 2.3% in North Croatia, while it increased by 3.4% in Adriatic Croatia and by 0.6% in the City of Zagreb.
Gross value added recorded an increase of 3.2% in 2020. The increase amounted to 2.6% in Pannonian Croatia, 4.5% in Adriatic Croatia and 5.5% in North Croatia, while in the City of Zagreb, gross value added decreased by 15.1%.
Sources and methods of data collection
The economic accounts for agriculture according to HR_NUTS 2021. – HR NUTS 2 for the Republic of Croatia have been calculated on the basis of the survey data of the Croatian Bureau of Statistics as well as the administrative data of the Agricultural Extension Service and the Paying Agency for Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development.
The calculation methodology for economic accounts for agriculture according to HR_NUTS 2021. – HR NUTS 2 uses a combination of the top-down method for the quantitative indicators (intermediate consumption) and the bottom-up method (output, investments, all kinds of subsidies and labour force) using prices at the level of the Republic of Croatia per each calculation indicator.
The accounting period is one calendar year.
Since 2022, the data have been published for four regions.
The output of the agricultural industry is valuated at basic prices, which means that all subsidies on products and services are included and all taxes on products and services are excluded.
The non-additivity of the sum of the individual components of the indicators is the result of applying the method of calculation and rounding at the detailed structure level of categories and subcategories.
The economic accounts for agriculture according to HR_NUTS 2021. – HR NUTS 2 cover the whole agricultural production (by both private family farms and legal entities).
Agricultural production equals the sum value of outputs of crops, animals, animal products, agricultural services and the value of inseparable non-agricultural secondary activities. The accounting period is a calendar year.
The agricultural production is valuated at basic prices, which means that all subsidies on products and services are included and all taxes on products and services are excluded.
Intermediate consumption is the value of inputs used for agricultural industry. It is valuated at purchase prices.
Gross value added at basic prices equals the output of agricultural industry at basic prices less the intermediate consumption at purchase prices.
Consumption of fixed capital is the decrease in the value of fixed capital goods as a result of their normal wear and tear during its production process.
Net value added at basic prices equals agricultural production at basic prices less fixed capital consumption.
Compensations of employees are defined as the total remuneration in cash or in kind paid by the employer to the employee in return for work done during the accounting period.
Other subsidies on production consist of subsidies other than subsidies on products, which manufacturing units can obtain on the basis of agricultural production.
Factor income equals net value added less taxes on production plus other subsidies on production.
Net operating surplus/mixed income equals factor income less compensations of employees.
Rents paid correspond to payments made to the owner of the tangible assets in exchange for the transfer of assets using by another unit. In the economic accounts for agriculture, this item corresponds mainly to land rents that leaseholder pay to land owners.
Interests are made of expenses payable on the loan for capital investments. In the Economic Accounts for Agriculture, interest is the counterpart of loans that have been approved for the purposes of agricultural holdings (e.g. for the purchase of land, buildings, machinery, vehicles or other equipment).
Net entrepreneurial income equals net operating surplus/net mixed income less paid rents and interest plus received interest that refers exclusively to agricultural production.
Agricultural labour input comprises all persons and employees who work as salaried or non-salaried labour force on typical agricultural jobs in agricultural industry. It is measured by annual work units. The annual work unit is a quotient of a total number of working hours done in the agricultural activity during a year and an average number of working hours, which amounts to 1 800 hours per annum for paid work.
mln | million |
HR_NUTS 2021. – HR NUTS 2. | National Classification of Territorial Units for Statistics |
Published by the Croatian Bureau of Statistics, Zagreb, Ilica 3, P. O. B. 80
Phone: (+385 1) 48 06 111
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Persons responsible:
Suzana Šamec, Director of Macroeconomic Statistics Directorate
Lidija Brković, Director General
Prepared by:
Matej Pejković and Viktor Štimac
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