First Release

Year: LIX.
Zagreb, 24 February 2023

ISSN 1334-0557


Agricultural price indices include agricultural products, that is, crop and animal products output. Crop products output include cereals, industrial plants, forage plants, vegetables, flowers and plants, potatoes (including seeds), fruits, wine and olive oil produced by using own-produced grapes and olives. Animal products output include cattle, pigs, horses, sheep and goats, poultry, other animals, milk, consumer eggs and other animal products.

Compared to 2015, average producer prices of agricultural products output increased by 41.7% in 2022, while, compared to 2021, they increased by 22.2%.

The increase in the prices of agricultural products in 2022, as compared to 2015, was influenced by the prices of crop products, which were 52.4% higher, as well as the prices of livestock and animal products, which increased by 24.8%.

Compared to 2021, the prices of crop products increased by 21.7%. That increase was influenced by the increase in all groups, primarily by a high price increase of cereals, of 55.6%, wine, of 8.5%, industrial plants, of 9.7%, and fresh vegetables, of 20.9%, that account for the largest share of crop production.

The prices of livestock and animal products increased by 23.2% compared to 2021. Out of important animal products output, the increase was recorded in the prices of milk, of 23.8%, pigs, of 28.7%, cattle, of 20.1%, poultry, of 15.6%, and consumer eggs, of 46.9%.

The prices of goods and services currently consumed in agricultural products output include products consumed in current production, maintenance service of equipment (machinery and materials) and agricultural buildings as well as other services. Compared to 2015, the prices of those goods and services increased by 57.9% in 2022, while, compared to 2021, they increased by 40.5%.



Agricultural goods output Indices
Ø 2015
Total 141,7 122,2
Agricultural goods output, excluding fruits and vegetables 143,5 125,0
Crop output 152,4 121,7
Crop output, excluding fruits and vegetables 159,8 126,3
Cereals 205,3 155,6
Industrial plants 173,5 109,7
Forage plants 115,7 108,5
Vegetables, flowers and plants 129,4 112,9
Fresh vegetables 136,5 120,9
Flowers and plants 120,8 103,4
Potatoes (including seeds) 191,1 147,7
Fruits 138,6 103,5
Wine 113,0 108,5
Olive oil 114,6 108,6
Livestock, poultry and animal products output 124,8 123,2
Livestock and poultry 123,0 121,1
Cattle 127,3 120,1
Pigs 119,5 128,7
Horses 173,9 125,0
Sheep and goats 132,5 119,8
Poultry 117,9 115,6
Other animals 131,0 122,3
Animal products output 127,3 126,1
Milk 127,1 123,8
Consumer eggs  134,3 146,9
Other animal products output1) 110,6 109,0

1) The index refers to the prices of honey and raw skin (excluding lamb's).


Ø 2015
Input I, total 157,9 140,5
Seeds and planting stock 135,6 115,9
Energy and lubricants 173,0 169,4
Fertilisers 246,1 215,6
Plant protection products and pesticides 118,2 103,7
Veterinary expenses 113,1 103,4
Animal feedingstuffs 156,1 130,9
Maintenance of materials 119,6 109,3
Maintenance of buildings 131,0 115,3
Other services 105,2 102,9


Price indices in agriculture in the Republic of Croatia have been for the first time calculated on the 2005 basis within the Phare 2005 Programme and the methodology used has been harmonised according to the Eurostat recommendations.

Since 2018, the indices have been calculated on the 2015 basis.

Sources and data collection methods

Agricultural price indices for the Republic of Croatia have been calculated on the basis of prices data obtained through quarterly surveys on sale and purchase of agricultural products as well as through other surveys carried out by the Croatian Bureau of Statistics, from administrative data of the Ministry of Agriculture and from other administrative sources.

The base year for the calculation of price indices is 2015.

The weight structure was calculated on the basis of the share of individual products in the purchase and sale of agricultural products as well as on the basis of the value of the agricultural production and intermediate consumption from agricultural economic accounts.


Average producer prices of agricultural products are gathered on the basis of quarterly surveys on the purchase and sale of agricultural products whose reporting units are legal entities and parts thereof as well as tradesmen classified into section A Agriculture, forestry and fishing – division 01 (excluding group 01.7 Hunting, trapping and related service activities) and other legal entities and tradesmen engaged in the production or purchase of agricultural products classified into other activity sections of the NKD 2007. The coverage is selective. It includes legal entities employing 10 or more persons and tradesmen employing 5 or more persons.

The prices of goods consumed in agricultural production are derived from other surveys of the Croatian Bureau of Statistics, administrative data of the Ministry of Agriculture and other administrative sources.

Agricultural price indices are calculated at the level of the Republic of Croatia.


Agricultural price indices include prices of agricultural products and prices of goods and services for current use in agricultural production.

Price index of agricultural goods output comprises crop and animal output (livestock, poultry and animal products).

Input I includes goods and services currently consumed in agricultural production.

Goods are all products except services.

Services comprise the maintenance of equipment (machinery and materials), agricultural buildings and other services.

EU Zastava Png

The survey whose data are published in this First Release has been conducted with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of the Croatian Bureau of Statistics and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union.



Eurostat Statistical Office of the European Union
NKD 2007. National Classification of Activities, 2007. version


Published by the Croatian Bureau of Statistics, Zagreb, Ilica 3, P. O. B. 80
Phone: (+385 1) 48 06 111
Press corner:

Persons responsible:
Suzana Šamec, Director of Macroeconomic Statistics Directorate
Lidija Brković, Director General

Prepared by:
Matej Pejković, Ivan Dujman, Mateja Ivezić and Normela Pušić


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