Increased production of tomatoes
Tomato production increased in 2022 by 5 019 tonnes, as compared to 2021.
The production of other vegetables also increased: carrots by 3 055 tonnes, cucumbers and gherkins by 2 448 tonnes, watermelons by 2 398 tonnes, melons by 1 294 tonnes, lettuce by 586 tonnes; as well as the production of other fruits: plums by 5 264 tonnes, sweet cherries by 1 428 tonnes, strawberries by 1 315 tonnes, mandarins by 1 204 tonnes, sour cherries by 847 tonnes, peaches and nectarines by 758 tonnes, walnuts by 685 tonnes, hazelnuts by 644 tonnes, apricots by 566 tonnes, and figs by 256 tonnes.
Decreased production of red peppers, capsicum
The production of red peppers, capsicum decreased in 2022 by 6 611 tonnes, as compared to 2021.
The production of other vegetables also decreased: onions and garlic by 6 234 tonnes, cabbage, white and red, by 3 796 tonnes, cauliflower and broccoli by 2 109 tonnes, green peas by 1 993 tonnes, green beans by 1 534 tonnes; as well as the production of other fruits: apples by 13 431 tonnes, and pears by 1 672 tonnes.
The final data will be available on 16 May 2023 in the Database.
1) Final data |
1) Final data |
1) Final data |
The Croatian Bureau of Statistics conducted surveys on crop statistics on the basis of the Official Statistics Act (NN, No. 25/20), the Regulation (EC) No. 543/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 June 2009 concerning crop statistics, and Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/1557 of 13 July 2015 amending Regulation (EC) No. 543/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning crop statistics.
Sources and methods of data collection
Data were collected via the following surveys:
These reports collect data on harvested areas of vegetables, fruits and grapes expressed in hectares, while the production and yield per hectare are expressed in tonnes.
These data were collected separately for business entities and parts thereof and for private family farms. Data on business entities are collected in two ways: by using the reporting method on an appropriate form or via a web-based application.
Data for private family farms were collected by interviewers using the personal interview method applied to a selected stratified sample. The sample for private family farms was selected from the Statistical Register of Agricultural Holdings.
The sample size was conditioned by the financial means allocated from the State Budget of the Republic of Croatia for 2022 and the share of private family farms by regions. The samples consisted of about 22 000 private family farms.
All expanded data were compared to data from previous years and available administrative sources (bases and registers from the Single Application at the Paying Agency for Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development and other relevant sources). On the basis of all available data, corrections were done if necessary.
Coverage and comparability
Reporting units are business entities and parts thereof defined in section A Agriculture, forestry and fishing according to the NKD 2007 as well as other business entities and parts thereof engaged in agricultural production but classified in other activities.
Reporting units are also private family farms engaged in agricultural production, for which interviewers collected data.
Kitchen gardens are areas scheduled for growing of crops (mostly vegetables) that are intended for consumption by persons living in a household and that are mainly not intended for sale. Only occasional surplus of products grown on these areas is sold outside the household.
Intensive orchards are cultivated with a specific distance between the trees in which mechanised cultivation can be performed. As a rule, they are larger plantations of fruit trees (of ten or more ares) or berries (excluding strawberries) intended for fruit growing for sale.
Extensive (traditional) orchards are country semi-intensive or extensive plantations of fruit trees of predominantly old sorts intended mostly for own consumption. Included are trees in (mixed) orchards as well as trees in yards, on boundary lines, by roads, etc.
The total production is a so-called stored production obtained after the harvest by deduction of all the losses before the harvest and during the transport and combine harvesting etc.
Abbreviations |
kg | kilogram |
NKD 2007 | National Classification of Activities, 2007 version |
NN | Narodne novine, official gazette of the Republic of Croatia |
t | tonne |
Symbols |
- | no occurrence |
Published by the Croatian Bureau of Statistics, Zagreb, Ilica 3, P. O. B. 80
Phone: (+385 1) 48 06 111
Press corner:
Persons responsible:
Edita Omerzo, Director of Spatial Statistics Directorate
Lidija Brković, Director General
Prepared by:
Predrag Cvjetićanin and Željko Kanižaj
Customer Relations and Data Protection Department
Information and user requests
Phone: (+385 1) 48 06 138, 48 06 154
Phone: (+385 1) 48 06 115