First Release

Year: LIX.
Zagreb, 09 December 2022

ISSN 1334-0557



Economic material flow accounts that include domestic extraction, intra-EU and extra-EU import and export as well as domestic processed output for the Republic of Croatia are presented for the period from 2017 to 2021.

In 2021, the value of the direct material input was 65 880 thousand tonnes (64.4% from domestic sources and 35.6% from import), which was 5.2% more than in 2020.

Domestic material consumption in 2021 was 44 967 thousand tonnes, which was 4.2% more than in 2020.

The import of materials in 2021 amounted to 23 428 thousand tonnes, which means it increased by 16.4% compared to 2020. The export of materials was amounted to 20 913 thousand tonnes, which is an increase of 7.3% compared to the previous year. The physical trade balance amounted to 2 515 thousand tonnes.


'000 tonnes

      2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Total2) 40 521 41 208 41 460 42 495 42 452
Biomass 14 754 15 233 15 473 16 111 15 327
Non-metallic minerals 23 744 24 166 24 362 25 003 25 885
Fossil energy materials/carriers 2 023 1 808 1 625 1 382 1 240

1) New calculations according to the recommended Eurostat methodology are used each year to calculate material flow. Therefore, some data are not comparable to the data from the First Release OEN-2021-1-7.

2) The sum total of some values does not equal the sum of items due to the expression of numbers in thousands.


'000 tonnes

       2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Total1) 18 890 18 890 20 139 20 130 23 428
Biomass and biomass products 4 232 4 388 4 689 4 510 5 016
Metal ores and concentrates, raw and processed 1 991 2 122 2 352 2 437 2 779
Non-metallic minerals, raw and processed 4 141 4 140 4 854 5 264 5 592
Fossil energy materials/carriers, raw and processed 7 370 7 003 6 944 6 649 8 591
Other products 1 155 1 235 1 294 1 246 1 415
Waste imported for final treatment and disposal 0 0 5 23 35

1) The sum total of some values does not equal the sum of items due to the expression of numbers in thousands.


'000 tonnes

      2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Total1) 17 841 17 469 17 601 19 488 20 913
Biomass and biomass products 7 416 6 937 7 433 7 617 8 254
Metal ores and concentrates, raw and processed 1 359 1 398 1 477 1 533 1 892
Non-metallic minerals, raw and processed 5 641 5 674 5 380 5 522 5 974
Fossil energy materials/carriers, raw and processed 2 859 2 907 2 723 4 246 4 028
Other products 558 542 578 558 750
Waste imported for final treatment and disposal 9 11 9 12 16

1) The sum total of some values does not equal the sum of items due to the expression of numbers in thousands.


'000 tonnes

      2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Emissions to air 26 568 25 803 31 637 25 513 25 101
Waste disposal to controlled landfills 1 815 1 639 1 616 1 452 1 593
Emissions to water 49 47 40 40 45
Dissipative use of products2) 1 587 1 619 1 597 1 590 1 620
Dissipative losses 1 1 1 1 1

1) New calculations according to the recommended Eurostat methodology are used each year to calculate material flow. Therefore, some data are not comparable to the data from the First Release OEN-2021-1-7.

2) Dissipative use of products includes the use of mineral and organic fertilizers, sewage sludge, compost and pesticides.


'000 tonnes

      Domestic extraction Import Export Direct material input Domestic material consumption Physical trade balance
1 2 3 4 = 1 + 2 5 = 4 - 3 6 = 2 - 3 
Materials, total1) 42 452 23 428 20 913 65 880 44 967 2 515
Biomass and biomass products 15 327 5 016 8 254 20 343 12 089 -3 238
Metal ores and concentrates, raw and processed 0 2 779 1 892 2 779 887 887
Non-metallic minerals, raw and processed 25 885 5 592 5 974 31 477 25 503 -382
Fossil energy materials/carriers, raw and processed 1 240 8 591 4 028 9 831 5 803 4 563
Other products 0 1 415 750 1 415 665 665
Waste 0 35 16 35 19 19

1) The sum total of some values does not equal the sum of items due to the expression of numbers in thousands.


'000 tonnes

     2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Domestic extraction (DEU) 40 521 41 208 41 460 42 495 42 452
Import 18 890 18 890 20 139 20 130 23 428
Export 17 841 17 469 17 601 19 488 20 913
Direct material input 59 411 60 097 61 600 62 625 65 880
Domestic material consumption 41 570 42 628 43 999 43 137 44 967
Physical trade balance 1 049 1 420 2 538 642 2 515

1) New calculations according to the recommended Eurostat methodology are used each year to calculate material flow. Therefore, some data are not comparable to the data from the First Release OEN-2021-1-7.



Sources and methods of data collection

The source of data on the economic material flow accounts is the Croatian Bureau of Statistics.

The economic material flow accounts are one of the several physical modules of the Eurostat’s programme of European environmental economic accounts. They are covered by the Regulation (EU) No. 691/2011 of the European Parliament and the Council of 6 July 2011 on European environmental economic accounts.

Economy-wide material flow accounts (EW-MFA) record flows of natural inputs (domestic extraction of materials) and products (import, export) in a detailed breakdown by approximately 50 material categories. Material flow data presented in this First Release employ the following main material categories:

  1. Biomass and biomass products: crops and products thereof, crop residues and fodder crops
  2. Metal ores and concentrates and products thereof
  3. Non-metallic minerals and products thereof
  4. Fossil energy material/carriers and products thereof (coal, petroleum, gas etc.)
  5. Other products and waste.



Biomass refers to the biodegradable components of products, waste and residue of agriculture (including plant and animal matter), forestry and wood industries, as well as biodegradable parts of municipal and industrial waste, the energy usage of which is allowed.

Minerals are natural homogeneous bodies of permanent chemical composition and determined physical characteristics that occur in specific geometric forms (crystals) or undetermined physical characteristics.

Ore is a mineral aggregate from which it is technically viable and economically justifiable to produce metals and/or other minerals usable in industry.

Concentrates are products of ore enrichment that have a significantly increased metal content compared to ore contents and are appropriate for further metallurgic processing and production of metal.

Non-metallic mineral raw material are raw materials which do not produce new raw materials as a result of melting, and are usually integrated in sedimentary rocks (quartz raw materials, clay, salt, dolomite, phosphorite, graphite, bauxite and cement raw materials).

Fossil energy materials/carriers are produced naturally beneath Earth’s surface during a long period of time from biological remains. Fossil fuels are not renewable energy sources. There are three main forms of fossil fuels: coal, petroleum and natural gas.

Waste is every substance or object that was, is going to be or has to be discarded by its owner. Every discarded object and substance the gathering, transport and processing of which are necessary for the protection of the public interest is considered waste.

Domestic extraction used (DEU) is the annual amount of raw materials (except for water and air) extracted from the natural environment to be used in the economy.

Domestic material consumption (DMC) is defined as the total amount of material directly used in the economy.

Domestic material consumption (DMC) = domestic extraction used + import – export

Direct material input (DMI) = domestic extraction used + import

Physical trade balance (PTB) is calculated by subtracting the amount of export in physical units from the amount of import in physical units, as follows:

Physical trade balance (PTB) = import – export.


EU European Union
Eurostat Statistical Office of the European Union
‘000 thousand


0 value not zero but less than 0.5 of the unit of measure used


Published by the Croatian Bureau of Statistics, Zagreb, Ilica 3, P. O. B. 80
Phone: (+385 1) 48 06 111
Press corner:

Persons responsible:
Edita Omerzo, Director of Spatial Statistics Directorate
Lidija Brković, Director General

Prepared by:
Darko Jukić, Gordana Lepčević, Željka Kovaček Čuklić and Bernarda Šimunić


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