First Release

Year: LVIII.
Zagreb, 25 January 2022

ISSN 1334-0557


The Report on the Structure of Hatcheries is submitted only for registered hatcheries that generated a production value in the reference year, that is, for those that were engaged in hatching of poultry.

Data on the number, capacity and usage of hatcheries for hatching of all categories of ducks, geese and turkeys as well as on particular categories of hatcheries of hens, cocks and chickens are protected in line with the Official Statistics Act (NN, No. 25/20) and the Ordinance on the Statistical Data Protection Method.

1 TOTAL CAPACITY AND USAGE OF HATCHERIES, 20211) (cocks, hens, chickens)

Size category (capacity) Number of hatcheries Capacity,
´000 p/st
Usage, ´000 p/st 
Laying Meat Mixed
Cocks, hens, chickens          
Total   23  6 878  1 330  69 257  1 638
1 000 – 10 000   4   31 -   269   18
10 001 – 20 000 z z - z z
20 001 – 50 000   8   228   391   969   126
50 001 – 100 000 z z z z -
100 001 – 200 000 z z z z z
200 001 – 500 000   3   690 -   389  1 295
500 001 i više   3  5 654 z  65 662 z

1) See Notes on Methodology.

2 TOTAL CAPACITY AND USAGE OF HATCHERIES, 20211) (ducks, geese, turkeys and other poultry)

    Number of hatcheries Total capacity, ´000 p/st Usage, ´000 p/st
Ducks   4   197   183
Geese   3   112   28
Turkeys   4   414  1 371
Other poultry - - -

1) See Notes on Methodology.


Sources and methods of data collection

Data on the structure of hatcheries are collected from hatcheries engaged in the production of day-old poultry chicks. This survey enables the collection of data on the total capacity of hatcheries and on the total number of incubated eggs during a reference year, according to the kind of poultry, category and type.

Coverage and comparability

Reporting units included in the annual report on the structure are hatcheries in households, private commercial hatcheries and industrial hatcheries engaged in hatching of poultry, which are classified in section A Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing, class 01.47, as well as other entities classified elsewhere but engaged in the said activity. The address book of hatcheries has been taken over from the Ministry of Agriculture – the Directorate of Veterinary and Food Safety.

Data on hatcheries engaged in hatching of more than one kind of poultry are presented separately for each kind.


Aggregate data for which there are reasons for confidentiality (small number of units, the dominance rule or secondary confidentiality rule) according to the Official Statistics Act (NN, No. 25/20) and the Ordinance on the Statistical Data Protection Method are treated as confidential and therefore are not published.

Legal basis of the European Union

Commission Regulation (EC) No 617/2008 of 27 June 2008 laying down detailed rules for implementing Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 as regards marketing standards for eggs for hatching and farmyard poultry chick, OJ L 168, 28 June 2008, pp 5 – 16.


Size category denotes a size class of a hatchery in relation to its total capacity expressed in the number of eggs.

Number denotes the total number of hatcheries within a respective size capacity of a hatchery.

Capacity denotes the maximum number of eggs for hatching that may be placed simultaneously in incubators.

Usage denotes an actual exploitability of incubators in a hatchery in relation to the number of eggs set for hatching during a reference year.



EC European Community
NN Narodne novine, official gazette of the Republic of Croatia
p/st pieces or sticks
z data are not published for confidentiality reasons
‘000 thousand


- no occurrence



Published by the Croatian Bureau of Statistics, Zagreb, Ilica 3, P. O. B. 80.
Phone: (+385 1) 4806-111, Fax: (+385 1) 4817-666
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Persons responsible:
Edita Omerzo, Director of Spatial Statistics Directorate
Lidija Brković, Director General

Prepared by:
Mario Valentić and Anita Grlica


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