First Release

Year: LVIII.
Zagreb, 02 June 2021

ISSN 1334-0557



In 2020, due to the coronavirus pandemic, the population of the Republic of Croatia went on private trips with overnight stays  30.8% less than in 2019

In 2020, a total of 1.3 million persons or 37.6% of the population of the Republic of Croatia aged 15 and over went on at least one private trip with overnight stays, which was a decrease of 30.8% compared to 2019.

Travel restrictions, border closures, quarantine regulations and the adoption of epidemiological measures in Croatia and around the world, in order to prevent the spread of the infection, had a negative impact on tourist activity of the population of the Republic of Croatia.

In 2020, there were 45.6% less private trips with overnight stays than in 2019

A total of 2.8 million private trips with overnight stays were realised in 2020, of which 2.4 million (84.6%) were realised in Croatia and 431 thousand (15.4%) abroad. The most common international destinations were Bosnia and Herzegovina (28.2%), Germany (15.1%), Austria (13.2%), Slovenia (12.0%), Italy (5.9%), and Serbia (4.5%). Compared to 2019, there were 45.6% less private trips with overnight stays. A decrease of 28.6% was recorded in private trips with overnight stays in Croatia and of 76.4% abroad, compared to 2019.

In 2020, of the total number of private trips with 4 and more overnight stays in Croatia, 66.6% were realised in July and August

In July and August 2020, a total of 1.1 million private trips with overnight stays were realised, or 38.3% of the total realised private trips with overnight stays in 2020. The largest number of private trips with overnight stays in Croatia were realised in August 2020 (576 thousand trips, or 24.5% of the total private trips with overnight stays in Croatia) and in July (427 thousand trips, or 18.1% of the total private trips with overnight stays in Croatia), while the largest number of trips abroad were realised in January 2020 (109 thousand trips, or 25.2% of the total private trips with overnight stays abroad) and in February (80 thousand trips, or 18.5% of the total realised private trips with overnight stays abroad). By the duration of overnight stays on private trips in Croatia, private trips with 4 and more overnight stays accounted for 47.1%, while shorter trips with up to 3 overnight stays accounted for 52.9%. The largest number of longer trips in Croatia were realised in summer months, in July and August, a total of 66.6%, while the largest number of shorter trips were realised in June, August and September (43.9%).

The most common reasons for going on a private trip with overnight stays were seaside vacation (1.1 million trips, or 38.4% of the total realised private trips with overnight stays) and visiting relatives and friends (962 thousand trips, or 34.5% of the total realised private trips with overnight stays).

Traditionally, the largest number of nights were realised in non-commercial accommodation establishments

In 2020 the population of the Republic of Croatia aged 15 and over realised a total of 18.6 million nights on private trips with overnight stays, of which 14.8 million (79.7%) were realised in Croatia, while 3.8 million (20.3%) were realised abroad. An average of 7 nights were realised on a single private trip with overnight stays. An average of 6 nights were realised on trips in Croatia, while for trips abroad the average amounted to 9 nights.

In 2020, the population of the Republic of Croatia aged 15 and over spent 22.1% less nights on private trips with overnight stays in Croatia, and 59.2% less nights on private trips with overnight stays abroad than in 2019.

By type of accommodation, the largest number of nights were realised in non-commercial accommodation establishments (13.7 million nights or 73.7%), of which 7.3 million nights were realised in accommodation establishments owned by relatives and friends and 6.3 million nights were realised in own vacation dwellings.

Average expenditure per trip amounted to 1 356 kuna for trips in Croatia and 3 387 kuna for trips abroad

The total expenditure on private trips with overnight stays in 2020 amounted to 4.7 billion kuna, of which 3.2 billion (68.7%) were spent in Croatia, while 1.5 billion (31.3%) were spent abroad. Average travel expenditure per private trip in Croatia amounted to 1 356 kuna and per private trip abroad to 3 387 kuna. Total expenditures on private trips with overnight stays in 2020 were 49.9% lower than in 2019.

 In 2020, the most common reason for not going on a trip was the pandemic (due to safety reasons)

Out of the total population of the Republic of Croatia aged 15 and over, 2.2 million, or 62.4% of them did not go on a private trip with overnight stays in 2020. The most common reason for not going on private trips with overnight stays was safety, that is, due to the COVID-19 pandemic (62.7%).

Less business/professional trips in Croatia and abroad

A total of 162 thousand persons, or 4.7% of the total population of the Republic of Croatia aged 15 and over went on at least one business/professional trip with overnight stays in 2020.  A total of 216 thousand business/professional trips were realised, of which 154 thousand (71.1%) were realised in Croatia and 63 thousand (28.9%) abroad. In 2020, there were 62.4% less business/professional trips in Croatia and 85.4% less business/professional trips abroad than in 2019.

A decrease of 51.7% in same-day visits in 2020 compared to 2019

In 2020, the population of the Republic of Croatia aged 15 and over realised 3.9 million same-day visits, which was a decrease of 51.7% compared to 2019. Out of that, 3.3 million visits (85.3%) were for private and 566 thousand (14.7%) for business/professional purposes.

The total expenditure on private same-day visits amounted to 1.0 billion kuna (955 thousand on same-day visits in Croatia and 66 thousand on same-day visits abroad). Average travel expenditure per private same-day visit amounted to 310 kuna, with average travel expenditure per private same-day visit in Croatia amounting to 302 kuna and per private same-day visit abroad to 502 kuna.


      Total Number of persons on private trips with overnight stays
By trip destination By duration of stay
Only in Croatia Only abroad In Croatia and abroad On one trip at least with 1 – 3 nights On one trip at least with 4 and more nights
Total 1 297 936 1 067 373 123 687 106 876 545 535 962 066
Men 650 664 529 021 63 408 58 234 297 262 483 156
Women 647 272 538 351 60 279 48 642 248 273 478 909
15 – 34 451 240 373 952 29 550 47 738 200 802 331 690
35 – 54 539 721 449 818 55 562 34 341 237 574 387 088
55 and over 306 975 243 603 38 575 24 797 107 159 243 287


             Number of trips Number of nights Total expenditures Average
number of nights per trip
Average expenditures
per trip, kuna
Average expenditures
per day, kuna
'000 Indices
'000 Indices
Mln kuna Indices
Total 3 003 50,4 19 448 61,0 5 357 43,4 6,5 1 784 275
Private 2 787 54,4 18 566 65,8 4 653 50,1 6,7 1 670 251
In Croatia 2 357 71,4 14 805 77,9 3 195 73,7 6,3 1 356 216
1 – 3 nights 1 246 71,1 2 502 75,6 944 62,4 2,0 758 377
4 and more nights 1 110 71,8 12 303 78,4 2 251 79,7 11,1 2 028 183
Abroad 431 23,6 (3 761) (40,8) (1 458) (29,4) (8,7) (3 387) (388)
1 – 3 nights 211 21,2 (450) (22,5) (296) (17,2) (2,1) (1 400) (657)
4 and more nights 219 26,4 (3 311) (45,9) (1 162) (35,9) (15,1) (5 300) (351)
Business/Professional 216 25,8 882 24,2 703 23,0 4,1 3 251 798
In Croatia 154 37,6 536 31,4 315 34,4 3,5 2 048 588
Abroad 63 14,6 (346) (17,8) (388) (18,1) (5,5) (6 209) (1 123)





1) Multiple answers possible.


        Number of visits Total expenditures Average
per visit, kuna
'000 Indices
Mln kuna Indices
Total 3 858 48,3 1 355 41,1 351
Private 3 291 46,1 1 021 37,3 310
In Croatia 3 160 52,4 955 45,5 302
Abroad 131 11,9 (66) (10,3) (502)
Business/Professional 566 67,0 (335) (59,9) (591)
In Croatia 512 73,0 (306) (80,0) (597)
Abroad (54) (37,7) (29) (16,2) (529)


                      Estimated value Coefficient of variation, % 95% reliability interval
Lower limit Upper limit
                           Number of persons on trips with overnight stays
Number of persons on private trips 1 297 936 2,6 1 231 231 1 364 641
Only in Croatia 1 067 373 3,0 1 005 526 1 129 219
Only abroad 123 687 7,2 105 956 141 418
In Croatia and abroad 106 876 5,8 94 655 119 097
With 1 – 3 nights 545 535 3,9 503 596 587 474
With 4 and more nights 962 066 2,9 906 831 1 017 300
Number of persons on business/professional trips 162 425 5,7 144 175 180 676
                        Number of trips with overnight stays
Private trips 2 787 062 2,0 2 680 127 2 893 998
In Croatia 2 356 501 2,2 2 256 653 2 456 348
Abroad 430 562 4,3 394 083 467 040
Business/Professional trips 216 307 6,0 190 743 241 871
In Croatia 153 750 7,2 131 764 175 736
Abroad 62 557 8,2 52 152 72 963
                    Number of nights on trips with overnight stays
Nights on private trips 18 566 244 4,2 17 051 853 20 080 636
In Croatia 14 804 930 4,2 13 585 914 16 023 946
Abroad 3 761 315 12,0 2 875 700 4 646 929
Nights on business/professional trips 881 775 8,9 727 183 1 036 367
In Croatia 535 717 9,2 437 966 633 467
Abroad 346 058 13,7 249 835 442 281
                 Expenditures on trips with overnight stays, kuna
Expenditures on private trips 4 653 377 932 6,5 4 059 798 381 5 246 957 483
In Croatia 3 195 246 104 4,0 2 946 359 666 3 444 132 541
Abroad 1 458 131 828 18,5 927 092 987 1 989 170 669
Expenditures on business/professional trips 703 303 817 10,2 561 672 733 844 934 900
In Croatia 314 869 161 6,2 276 100 176 353 638 145
Abroad 388 434 656 15,4 267 292 454 509 576 858
                       Number of same-day visits
Private trips 3 291 132 3,1 3 089 887 3 492 377
In Croatia 3 160 185 3,2 2 960 351 3 360 019
Abroad 130 947 6,1 115 222 146 672
Business/Professional trips 566 453 6,2 497 149 635 758
In Croatia 512 474 6,3 448 875 576 073
Abroad 53 979 20,9 27 268 80 690
                             Expenditures on same-day visits, kuna
Expenditures on private trips 1 020 818 397 5,7 906 462 367 1 135 174 428
In Croatia 955 122 058 6,0 841 854 832 1 068 389 284
Abroad 65 696 339 11,3 50 904 176 80 488 502
Expenditures on business/professional trips 334 668 442 12,6 251 405 300 417 931 583
In Croatia 306 114 372 13,3 225 732 941 386 495 802
Abroad 28 554 070 20,7 14 590 556 42 517 583


The purpose of the statistical survey

The purpose of the statistical survey Tourist Activity of the Population of the Republic of Croatia is to gather data on national tourism, that is, the data on the number and characteristics of travels of the Croatian population outside their usual environment. The goal is to assess to what extent does the Croatian population travel, their reasons for going on a trip, where and when they travel, how long do the trips last and what the trip expenditures amount to. For the surveyed persons who did not go on a private trip with overnight stays, the data on the reasons for not going on a trip were gathered.

This First Release presents the main survey results and the methods according to which the survey was carried out. In individual tables the total sum does not equal the sum of individual figures due to the rounding of the figures. Indices had been calculated as whole numbers before they were expressed in thousands or millions.

Legal basis

The survey is carried out according to the Official Statistical Act (NN, No. 25/20) and the Regulation (EU) No. 692/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning European statistics on tourism.


According to the Official Statistics Act (NN, No. 25/20) and the Regulation (EU) No. 223/2009 concerning European statistics on tourism, the confidentiality of all personal data on the household and its members given by respondents is guaranteed. The collected data are used solely for statistical purposes and they are published at the aggregate level.

Observation units and coverage

The observation units for the number of persons who went on a trip are Croatian citizens aged 15 and over. The observation unit for data on the number of trips with overnight stays and same-day visits and their characteristics is a trip of a Croatian citizen aged 15 and over. This survey covers only trips with regard to the main reason for going on a trip (private and business/professional) and the main destination of a trip (in Croatia and abroad) that ended in the reporting period. The month of departure for a trip with overnight stays may be outside the reporting period (for example, December 2019 for a trip that ended in January 2020).  

Sources and methods of data collection

The basis for the sampling frame is a directory of fixed and mobile telephone lines in the Republic of Croatia. A random sample stratified according to the county and type of telephone line (fixed or mobile) was used in the survey. The target population for a survey are citizens of the Republic of Croatia aged 15 and over who live in private households, excluding population living in institutional households (homes for the elderly, prisons and the like), citizens of the Republic of Croatia living abroad and foreign citizens living in Croatia. In case of a fixed telephone line, a surveyed person was selected from a chosen household according to the birthday key method.

The data on tourist activity of the Croatian population in 2020 were gathered through telephone interviews with computer support (CATI method) on a representative sample of a total of 22 000 Croatian citizens aged 15 and over.

The data were gathered by carrying out four waves of CATI research. A quarter is taken as the reference period. A travel has to end within the reference period and may start up to 365 days prior to its end.

The first round of gathering data was carried out in May 2020 and included the tourist activity of the population of the Republic of Croatia in the period from January to March 2020. The second round was carried out in July 2020 and included the tourist activity of the population of the Republic of Croatia in the period from April to June 2020. The third round was carried out in October 2020 and included the tourist activity of the population of the Republic of Croatia in the period from July to September 2020. The fourth round was carried out in January 2021 and included the tourist activity of the population of the Republic of Croatia in the period from October to December 2020 and in whole 2020.

The characteristics of trips are monitored on the level of four overnight stays and four same-day visits as the upper limit. The following data are gathered for each individual trip: type of trip (private, business/professional), the main reason for going on the trip, the month in which the person went on the trip, the duration of the trip with overnight stays (the number of nights), the destination country for trips abroad, the organisation of the trip (self-organised, through an agency), the main transportation vehicle, the type of accommodation on trips with overnight stays, the number of persons for which expenditures are presented, the trip expenditures, the structure of expenditures on trips with overnight stays.

Except for the previously mentioned characteristics of trips, data are also gathered on the socio-demographic profile of the population (age, sex, level of education, number of persons in the household, status in employment, county).

Due to the fact that the data on tourist activity of the population of the Republic of Croatia refer to each individual quarterly period, merging the results of four quarterly periods does not allow for the assessment of the number/share of persons who went and who did not go on a trip in the observed year. The assessment of the number of persons who went on a trip was calculated on the basis of 7 000 surveyed persons who were surveyed in the last (fourth) survey wave in which the trips throughout the whole 2020 were included.

In the analysis of the accuracy of estimates, the sum estimate, the coefficient of variation expressed in percentage and the 95% reliability interval used in the sum estimate are presented. The categories with the coefficient of variation value ranging between 10.0% and 29.9% are put in brackets, which means that the estimation is less accurate.

Response rate

The response rate was 60.8% of all eligible units.

The highest non-response rate was recorded for questions regarding trip expenditures. This non-response problem was mitigated by applying the sequential hot-deck imputation method.

Imputation rates include transportation expenditures (10.5%), accommodation expenditures (8.8%), expenditures on food and drinks in hotel and restaurant establishments (10.5%) and other expenditures (7.5%).


Tourism means the activity of visitors taking a trip to a main destination outside their usual environment for less than a year, for leisure, business or other personal purpose other than to be employed by a resident entity in the place visited.

Usual environment of a person is immediate vicinity of the person’s home and place of work or schooling, or other places that the person regularly visits. Each person has only one usual environment. The following criteria define a usual environment: crossing of the administrative borders of the distance from the place of usual residence; duration of a trip; the frequency of going on a trip; the purpose of a trip.

Place of usual residence is considered a place where a person came with an intention of permanent residence.

National tourism of a country encompasses national tourism, which includes activities of citizens of a particular country who travel and accommodate in places within that country but outside their usual environment, and outbound tourism, which includes the activities of citizens of a particular country who travel and accommodate in places outside the borders of that country and outside their usual environment.

Visitor is every person who travels to a place different from his/her usual environment for a period shorter than 12 months without interruption and whose main purpose of travelling differs from performing a particular activity financed by a resident entity in the place visited, providing that he/she spends at least one night in an accommodation establishment. Visitors include tourists and same-day visitors.

Tourist is every person who, outside his/her place of permanent residence, spends at least one night in a commercial or non-commercial accommodation establishment for reasons of rest, recreation, visit to family and friends, preservation and improvement of health, business, religious and other reasons.  Tourists exclude migrants, borderline workers, diplomats, military force members on their regular duties, displaced persons and nomads.

Same-day visitor is every person who travels to a place outside his/her usual environment, who does not spend a night in a hotel or some other tourist accommodation establishment and whose main purpose of travelling differs from performing a particular activity financed by a resident entity in the place visited.

Duration of a tourist trip is the time spent on the trip, which can last a maximum of 365 days continuously. According to the duration criterion, there are same-day visits and trips with overnight stays.

Same-day visits are trips outside the usual environment, on which a person spends at least three and less than 24 hours at a destination (a night is not realised).

Trips with overnight stays are trips outside the usual environment with at least one but less than 365 overnight stays realised.

As regards purpose, trips can be private and business/professional.

Private trip is a trip aiming at rest, recreation, shopping, health, pilgrimage, religious event, visit to relatives and friends, etc. Private trips do not include weekly migrations or departure for work or schooling, seasonal work, staying in hospitals or spas financed by social insurance contributions, staying in refugee camps and asylum.

Business/professional trip is a trip aiming at business or professional reasons excluding daily local trips or business-motivated trips in usual environment. Business/Professional trips include trips to congresses, conferences, business meetings, fairs, exhibitions, language learning and other educational trips, cultural, sports and similar trips. Trips financed by a resident entity in the place visited are excluded.

Duration of a trip with overnight stays is measured by the number of nights spent at a destination. There are shorter and longer trips.

Shorter trips are trips on which tourists realise 1 – 3 tourist nights.

Longer trips are trips on which tourists realise four or more tourist nights.

Expenditures on a tourism trip include all travelling expenses that occurred before the beginning of the trip and during the trip. These expenditures may also be made by another person on behalf of the visitor or at the visitor’s expense.


CATI computer-assisted telephone interviewing
COVID-19 COrona VIrus Disease-19
EU European Union
mln million
NN Narodne novine, official gazette of the Republic of Croatia
‘000 thousand


( ) less accurate data


Published by the Croatian Bureau of Statistics, Zagreb, Ilica 3, P. O. B. 80.
Phone: (+385 1) 4806-111, Fax: (+385 1) 4817-666
Press corner:

Persons responsible:
Edita Omerzo, Director of Spatial Statistics Directorate
Lidija Brković, Director General

Prepared by:
Ivana Brozović and Suzana Nujić


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